George Soros Invests Heavily in Texas to Counter Growing Republican Hispanic Support, Says Former Congresswoman

Former Texas Congresswoman Mayra Flores has raised concerns about liberal billionaire George Soros’ significant investments in Texas, suggesting that he aims to reverse the Democrats’ losing streak in the Lone Star State. Flores, who is the first Mexican-born woman to serve in the House of Representatives, believes that Soros is pouring money into the state to boost Democrat turnout in 2024 because he fears the rise of Republican Hispanic leaders, such as herself, who have been successful in winning over traditionally Democratic Hispanic voters.

Flores specifically references the Texas Majority PAC, a group partially funded by Soros, which aims to build progressive infrastructure across Texas and elect more Democrats. According to a recent report by The Texas Tribune, the PAC is being run by former staffers from Beto O’Rourke’s unsuccessful campaign for governor and has raised nearly $2.25 million in 2023. Digital analysis of the PAC’s Federal Election Commission filings reveals that Soros has contributed $850,000 as of December 27, 2023.

Flores argues that Hispanics are increasingly shifting towards the Republican Party because they resonate with the party’s focus on prosperity, strong economy, secure borders, and prioritizing the interests of American citizens. She believes that it is the Republican policies that are winning over Hispanics, and this poses a significant challenge for Democrats. Flores shares a bond with Hispanic voters and emphasizes that they have similar stories and values.

Democrats in Texas have struggled to gain traction in major statewide races in recent years, with their closest attempt coming in 2018 when Beto O’Rourke came within three points of beating incumbent Republican Senator Ted Cruz. In 2020, Air Force veteran M.J. Hegar lost to Senator John Cornyn by nearly 10 points. Now, Democrats are hoping to utilize the Texas Majority PAC to challenge Senator Cruz, who is up for re-election this year. However, Flores highlights that the shift towards Republicans among Hispanics has been growing stronger, causing fear among Democrats.

Flores, who is running to win back her seat in Texas’ 34th Congressional District, acknowledges the struggles of the American people, particularly in terms of housing and financial difficulties. She emphasizes that during the Trump administration, people had more money in their pockets, and the current situation is not reflective of the American dream. Flores believes that the Republican party’s focus on economic prosperity will resonate with voters and contribute to her chances of winning back her seat.

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