New Jersey’s Plastic Bag Ban Backfires as Plastic Consumption Triples, Study Finds

A grocery store in Vancouver has introduced plastic bags with embarrassing logos to shame customers into bringing their own reusable ones. Plastic consumption in New Jersey spiked by nearly three times following the state’s implementation of a strict ban on single-use plastic shopping bags, a study found.

The study, conducted by Freedonia Custom Research (FCR), revealed that the ban on single-use bags in New Jersey resulted in a significant increase in plastic consumption for bags. It reported that the shift from plastic film to alternative bags led to a nearly threefold increase in plastic consumption.

New Jersey enacted the ban in 2022, positioning it as the strictest ban on bags in the nation at the time. Governor Phil Murphy, a Democrat, signed the legislation as an effort to address the problem of plastic pollution and mitigate climate change. The ban prohibited larger retail, grocery, and food service stores from providing single-use plastic bags to customers. Instead, shoppers were encouraged to purchase reusable bags made of woven and non-woven polypropylene plastic or bring their own reusable bags.

However, the ban faced challenges as shoppers started expressing their dissatisfaction with the reusable bags. Many customers reported that the bags were piling up in their homes due to repeatedly purchasing new reusable bags or receiving new ones through home grocery delivery services. Lawmakers in New Jersey considered amendments to address these issues, such as requiring home delivery services to use cardboard boxes or paper bags instead of reusable plastic bags. However, these proposed amendments have since stalled.

Contrary to its intended purpose, the reusable bag ban has had an adverse effect on the environment. The study found that plastic consumption in the state nearly tripled after the ban, with New Jerseyans now consuming 151 million pounds of plastic compared to the previous 53 million pounds. Researchers attributed this increase to the fact that reusable bags made of non-woven polypropylene use approximately 15 times more plastic than single-use plastic bags. Additionally, most New Jerseyans only reuse the bags two to three times before discarding them.

The study also highlighted the environmental impact of the shift in materials. The increased consumption of polypropylene bags resulted in a 500% increase in greenhouse gas emissions compared to non-woven polypropylene bag production in 2015. To have a positive impact on the environment and reduce plastic consumption, researchers suggested that shoppers would need to reuse the bags at least 16 times.

While the ban has not achieved its desired outcome, it has brought windfall profits for retailers. The study found that the average retailer could make $200,000 annually at a single location since the ban took effect.

New Jersey is among several states that have implemented plastic bag bans to reduce plastic consumption and protect the environment. Other states, including Vermont, Oregon, and California, have also introduced their own versions of bans on single-use plastic bags.

Fox News reached out to Governor Murphy’s office for comment on the study, but no response was received at the time of publication.

In conclusion, the study reveals that New Jersey’s plastic bag ban has resulted in a significant increase in plastic consumption, contrary to its intended purpose. The ban has faced challenges, with shoppers struggling to reuse the thicker reusable bags and lawmakers considering amendments to address the issue. The ban has also had negative environmental consequences, contributing to increased greenhouse gas emissions. However, it has brought financial benefits to retailers. The study highlights the need for more effective measures to reduce plastic consumption and protect the environment.

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