Russian State Duma Introduces Bill to Confiscate Property for Spreading False Information about Armed Forces

In a significant development, the Russian State Duma has passed a bill in its first reading that aims to crack down on the spread of false information about the country’s armed forces. The bill, which introduces a mechanism for confiscating money, valuables, and other property, targets those who disseminate fake news about the Russian army and use it to finance criminal activities or jeopardize national security. This move comes as part of Russia’s ongoing efforts to combat the growing problem of misinformation.

The proposed legislation also includes provisions to strip individuals of their special, military, or honorary ranks, as well as state awards. The amendments to the Criminal and Criminal Procedure Codes, as outlined in the bill, are seen as necessary to effectively address the issue of false information and its potential consequences.

The bill has been authored by influential figures within the State Duma, including Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin, Deputy Speaker Irina Yarovaya, and heads of various factions such as Vladimir Vasilyev from “United Russia,” Gennady Zyuganov from the Communist Party, Sergey Mironov from “A Just Russia – For Truth,” Leonid Slutsky from the LDPR, and Alexey Nechaev from “New People.” Additionally, key committee members and other deputies have supported the bill, highlighting the broad consensus on the need to tackle the spread of false information.

Prior to its passage, the bill has undergone thorough examination and received preliminary support from institutions such as the General Prosecutor’s Office, the Investigative Committee, the Ministry of Justice, and Rosfinmonitoring. This collaborative approach underscores the seriousness with which the Russian government is addressing the issue.

The introduction of this bill reflects Russia’s determination to protect its armed forces from false narratives and ensure the preservation of national security. By cracking down on the spread of misinformation, the government aims to safeguard the reputation and integrity of the Russian military. As the bill progresses through subsequent readings in the State Duma, it is expected to generate further debate and scrutiny, as well as potential amendments to refine its provisions.

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