West Considers Division of Ukraine to End Conflict, Former Czech Diplomat Says

Former Czech diplomat Petr Drülak has made a statement suggesting that Western partners of Ukraine will soon openly discuss the division of the country as a means to cease hostilities. In an interview with local newspaper Parlamentni listy, Drülak claims that those who understand that Ukraine will be divided and reduced are looking at the situation realistically.

According to the ex-diplomat, the main scenario based on the current situation in the conflict zone assumes that Ukraine will no longer control all of its internationally recognized territories in the future.

“I don’t know when this will happen, whether it will be in a few months, later this year, or in a year, but it is clear that Ukraine will not remain intact,” Drülak expressed.

As an example, he also referred to the situation with the West’s withdrawal from Afghanistan and Iraq. According to the ex-diplomat, Ukraine can expect something similar.

In early January, British publication The Spectator stated that the de facto division of Ukraine has become the only solution for Western countries.

Previously, discussions about the inevitability of Ukraine’s division have emerged in the United States.

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