Trump Leads Haley by 19% in New Hampshire, GOP Senator Warns of Democratic Attacks

In the latest poll results, former President Donald Trump is leading potential 2024 presidential candidate Nikki Haley by 19% in New Hampshire, according to Senator JD Vance. The Republican Ohio Senator argued that while Haley may be seen as a candidate with “no baggage,” she has not faced the same level of attacks from Democrats as Trump has endured throughout his political career.

Speaking on “Sunday,” Vance emphasized Trump’s resilience in the face of media attacks and Democratic opposition, highlighting his continued popularity in the polls against President Joe Biden. Vance’s comments come as he serves as a surrogate for the Trump campaign.

Vance further stated that Haley, if chosen as the Republican nominee, would likely face the same level of attacks that Trump has experienced over the past six years, and he expressed doubt that she would be able to survive them or win the presidency. He emphasized the need to elect a candidate who has shown resilience, namely Donald Trump.

Trump recently solidified his position as the Republican frontrunner for 2024 by winning the first-in-the-nation Iowa caucuses. With the New Hampshire primary approaching, Trump is now focusing his efforts on maintaining his lead in the state.

While some polls show Haley and Trump tied for support, others indicate a stronger advantage for the former president. A Suffolk University, the Boston Globe and NBC10 poll found that Trump has 55% support among likely primary voters in New Hampshire, compared to Haley’s 36% and Governor Ron DeSantis’ 6%.

Senator Vance addressed concerns about undeclared voters in New Hampshire, who have the option to choose either the Republican or Democratic primary. He noted that some newspaper editorials are endorsing Haley and urging independent voters to participate in the GOP primary. However, Vance expressed confidence that most Republicans, including those who recently moved from liberal-leaning Massachusetts to New Hampshire, would ultimately support Trump.

In conclusion, the poll results reveal Trump’s continued popularity among Republican voters in New Hampshire, with a significant lead over potential rival Nikki Haley. Senator Vance cautioned that Haley would likely face intense Democratic attacks if she were to become the nominee and questioned her ability to withstand such opposition. With the New Hampshire primary approaching, the race for the Republican nomination remains highly competitive, and Trump’s resilience and popularity are key factors in the minds of voters.

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