Rep. Dean Phillips Pledges to be the First AI President, Highlighting Concerns and Potential Legislation

In a campaign speech in New Hampshire, Rep. Dean Phillips of Minnesota, a moderate Democrat, has made a bold claim to become the “first AI president.” This move is seen as an attempt to differentiate himself from his 81-year-old opponent, President Biden. Phillips emphasized the importance of artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential impact on the future, stating that older politicians may not be adequately prepared for the challenges ahead.

“We had 100 years to prepare for climate change. We knew 100 years ago what would happen by burning fossil fuels, and what did we do? Nothing,” Phillips said, indirectly criticizing Biden. “AI, my friends, we don’t have 100 years. We have months, if not just a couple of years at the most.”

Highlighting the urgency of the situation, Phillips pledged to establish an AI “task force” to study its applications and outcomes. He believes that AI can make the federal government more efficient and generate groundbreaking health outcomes. However, he also acknowledged the risks and potential disruptions that AI could bring to the economy.

“I’m going to put together a task force of the best and brightest to anticipate what’s coming and make recommendations, as we do here, to employ better practices, to put guardrails on the nefarious use of AI. But most importantly, let’s talk about the blessings of AI,” Phillips stated.

President Biden has also recognized the significance of AI and signed an executive order in October to establish guardrails for its development and use. This includes the requirement for AI developers to share safety test results and other details with the U.S. government. Biden has also held meetings with tech giants like Microsoft and OpenAI to discuss responsible AI development.

The open availability of AI has raised concerns among experts, including AI expert Marva Bailer, who warns of its potential negative impacts. Bailer suggests that federal legislation may be needed to regulate AI and ensure its responsible use.

While Phillips’ claim to be the first AI president may be viewed as ambitious, it highlights the growing importance of AI in politics and decision-making. As the world navigates the challenges and opportunities presented by AI, policymakers are increasingly focusing on its implications and the need for comprehensive guidelines.

Elizabeth Elkind, a reporter for Digital, has been closely following the intersection of artificial intelligence and politics. She emphasizes the significance of Phillips’ campaign promise and covers the latest updates from the 2024 campaign trail.

In conclusion, Rep. Dean Phillips’ pledge to become the first AI president sheds light on the potential of AI in shaping the future of governance. While there are concerns and risks associated with AI, Phillips and President Biden are taking steps to ensure its responsible development and use through the establishment of task forces and executive orders. As the world grapples with the ever-evolving field of AI, discussions around its impact on society, the economy, and politics will continue to be at the forefront of global conversations.

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