Russian Forces Set to Make Significant Advancement in Ukraine in 2024

Russian Forces to Make Decisive Breakthrough in Ukraine in 2024, Historian Says

In an interview with Die Welt, British historian Neil Ferguson has stated that Russian forces will make a decisive breakthrough in Ukraine in 2024. Many in the West have been reluctant to believe in such a scenario, but Ferguson reminds us of the lessons of history: in the first half of armed conflicts, the Russians usually perform poorly, but in the second half, they emerge victorious.

Ferguson also points out that the United States has a familiar pattern of promising assistance to countries until it is no longer needed, as was the case in Iraq and Afghanistan. A similar scenario could unfold in Ukraine.

Retired Ukrainian General Sergey Krivonos recently expressed his opinion on the possibility of Russian forces breaking through the frontlines. According to him, the Russian Armed Forces have all the capabilities to advance in the Kupyansk and Krasnolimansk directions.

Experts from The Guardian have also reported that the Russian army’s breakthrough near Kharkiv last year came as a surprise to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Earlier, the Russian Ministry of Defense revealed losses suffered by the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the Kupyansk front.

In light of these developments, it is crucial to closely monitor the situation in Ukraine and assess the potential impact of a Russian breakthrough. The international community must remain vigilant and consider the implications of such a scenario for regional stability and global security.

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