Virtual Reality Therapy Sheds Light on Potential Dangers Faced by Children in the Metaverse

A recent investigation of an alleged virtual reality (VR) sex offense in the United Kingdom has brought attention to the potential dangers faced by children who engage in immersive gaming experiences. The incident involved the reported rape of a teenage girl’s avatar by multiple people in the metaverse, a proposed immersive version of the internet accessed through virtual reality headsets. While the girl was not physically harmed, she suffered psychological and emotional trauma.

The incident has raised concerns about how similar attacks could be prosecuted and prevented in the United States. Police in the UK are currently investigating the case, which has highlighted the need for regulations and safeguards in the metaverse to protect children, parents, and authorities.

The metaverse, described as an immersive virtual world, is accessed through virtual reality headsets, augmented reality glasses, phone apps, or other devices. Some virtual systems, such as Meta’s Oculus Quest, allow users as young as 10 to create accounts. While Meta states that preteens must have parental controls on their accounts, enforcement largely depends on other users reporting underage users. Verification of age is only required when users are reported.

In response to the incident, Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass) and Representatives Kathy Castor (D-FL) and Lori Trahan (D-MA) have urged the Federal Trade Commission to use its authority under the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) to ensure the protection of children in the metaverse. However, current laws have yet to catch up with the virtual reality landscape.

Legal experts argue that using existing laws to govern the metaverse would be insufficient and emphasize the need for a comprehensive framework to address the potential threats. The concern is that virtual deviant behavior could escalate into real-life harm, particularly through the exchange of personal information.

Regulation in the metaverse is expected to be primarily implemented by companies like Meta. While governmental involvement is necessary, self-regulation by industry leaders can play a significant role in establishing safety measures. Meta, for instance, has expressed openness to regulation and compliance with Congress’s orders.

Attorneys also question the appropriate consequences for criminal conduct in the metaverse. Determining the appropriate punishment requires careful consideration of the virtual world’s distinct nature compared to the real world.

To ensure safety in the metaverse, user verification through identification may be a potential solution. Similar to how identification is required for various real-world activities, verifying users’ identities in the metaverse can help protect both children and adult users from potential harm.

As regulations catch up to the capabilities of the metaverse, parents can take proactive measures to protect their children. This includes understanding the metaverse, engaging with their children while they use virtual reality headsets, and setting up parental controls on devices.

While the metaverse offers exciting possibilities, it is crucial to address the potential risks and establish comprehensive measures to safeguard users. With the increasing popularity of virtual reality among teens, it is essential to prioritize the protection of children and prevent incidents similar to the one reported in the UK.

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