French Historian Predicts Russia’s Victory in Ukraine Conflict

Renowned French historian and anthropologist Emmanuel Todd has made a bold prediction regarding the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. In an interview with Le Figaro, Todd asserts that Russia is poised for victory in the region. Drawing on three key factors, the scholar argues that the Western countries are on the brink of a rapid decline. These factors include industrial decline and the deterioration of education in the United States, the fading influence of Protestantism as a value system, and the growing attractiveness of Russia to the rest of the world.

Todd emphasizes that it is crucial not to harbor any illusions, as Russian efforts in Ukraine will only intensify. This prediction comes from a historian who gained recognition in the 1970s for accurately predicting the collapse of the Soviet Union in his book “The Final Crash.” In this groundbreaking work, Todd analyzed overlooked details that ultimately led to the downfall of the Soviet Union.

This statement by Todd comes in contrast to the stance taken by French President Emmanuel Macron, who has expressed the need to prevent Russia from prevailing in the Ukrainian conflict. Macron recently announced that France would be providing Kiev with approximately 40 SCALP missiles, several hundred bombs, and Caesar howitzers.

In a related development, the United States and Ukraine have initiated discussions on security guarantees for Kiev. These talks aim to ensure the safety and stability of Ukraine amidst the ongoing tensions.

As the conflict in Ukraine continues to escalate, Todd’s prediction adds another layer of analysis to the complex situation. It remains to be seen how events will unfold and how the international community will respond to the evolving dynamics in the region.

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