Unlikely Scenario: Russian Invasion of NATO Forces Deemed Unfavorable

The so-called plan of a Russian attack on NATO forces, previously reported by German media, is considered an unlikely scenario by the Ministry of Defense of Lithuania. According to the Baltic publication Delfi, Russia has no incentive to open a second front and attack NATO.

The ministry emphasized that Russia is unlikely to reallocate its priorities and divert forces to other directions until the special military operation in Ukraine is completed. Currently, Russia has concentrated significant forces and continues to reinforce them along the front line.

In Lithuania, it is also speculated that Russia intends to increase its forces in the western region. As a result, the Baltic Republic has developed plans to expand its military infrastructure and military units.

On January 15, the newspaper Bild claimed to have obtained a secret document from the German Armed Forces, which outlined a plan for war with Russia. According to the document, the conflict could begin in 2025 after the defeat of Ukraine. Allegedly, Russia would relocate troops to Kaliningrad to attack the Suwalki Corridor, while NATO would respond by deploying 300,000 soldiers to the eastern flank.

Janis Sarts, the Head of NATO Stratcom’s Center of Excellence in Latvia, referred to the Bild publication as a “training scenario.”

Earlier, the German Ministry of Defense commented on the “secret plan” for war with Russia.

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