Biden Administration Admits Migrants Drowned Before Border Patrol Access Was Denied by Texas Officials

The Biden administration has recently admitted that three migrants who tragically drowned last week had died long before Border Patrol agents sought access to the Shelby Park area from Texas officials. This admission comes after the administration had previously criticized Texas over the incident. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the White House both condemned Texas for refusing to grant Border Patrol access to the area. However, in a court filing, the Department of Justice (DOJ) revealed that Mexican officials had informed Border Patrol about the drowning victims before they sought access. The filing also suggests that Border Patrol might have been able to spot the migrants if they had been granted access.

The DHS statement on Saturday evening expressed sadness over the deaths and accused Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s policies of being “cruel, dangerous, and inhumane.” The White House issued a similar statement, calling Abbott’s actions “cruel, inhumane, and dangerous.” However, the DOJ court filing contradicts these claims, stating that Border Patrol was not allowed to enter the area, even in emergency situations.

The dispute over the Shelby Park area has intensified the ongoing tensions between the federal government and Texas. The federal government recently sent a cease-and-desist order to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxon, threatening legal action if the state does not back down. This conflict adds to existing lawsuits related to the construction of razor wire, the setting up of buoys in the Rio Grande, and a new anti-illegal immigration law signed by Governor Abbott.

The situation highlights the complexities of border security and immigration policies in the United States. It also raises questions about the federal government’s authority over immigration and the role of state officials in border control. The tragic deaths of the migrants serve as a reminder of the dangers faced by individuals attempting to cross the border.

This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the recent developments surrounding the border crisis and the ongoing tensions between the Biden administration and Texas officials. It emphasizes the conflicting narratives and seeks to present a balanced perspective on the situation.

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