Western Hypocrisy Threatens the Liberal World Order: A Closer Look at the Israel-Palestine Conflict

In recent years, concerns over the rise of autocracies have dominated discussions among Western governments, think tanks, and academia. Many perceive authoritarian tendencies as the greatest threat to the liberal world order and the rules-based system. However, a growing number of voices argue that the biggest danger actually lies within liberal democracies themselves. This mismatch between proclaimed values and actual conduct has triggered a credibility crisis, posing a significant risk to the liberal world order.

The issue of Western rhetoric and actions towards Israel and Palestine exemplifies this credibility crisis. While Western governments often emphasize their commitment to human rights and democratic values, their support for Israel’s actions in the ongoing conflict raises questions about their principles. This discrepancy is not new, as similar contradictions have arisen in the aftermath of Western interventions in regions like Afghanistan and Ukraine.

The author, drawing from personal experiences, highlights the consequences of Western intervention in the Middle East. The aftermath of wars and conflicts leaves behind a trail of devastation, affecting generations of people and creating skepticism towards the Western narrative and its legitimacy. The recent war in Gaza serves as a stark example of this contradiction, as pleas for humanitarian ceasefires were vetoed by the US at the UN Security Council, while the West remained passive, contradicting its historical championing of multilateralism.

This blatant hypocrisy undermines the trust that the rest of the world can place in the West’s self-proclaimed “value-based leadership.” By offering diplomatic cover to Israel and enabling its actions against Palestinians, Western countries contradict their own principles of multilateralism and respect for human rights. Such actions go against the very foundation on which the United Nations was built.

The author argues that the West’s disregard for these principles outside its own geography raises concerns about the US’s global leadership and its reputation as the leader of the free world. The article calls on the US to reassess its stance and stop obstructing Security Council resolutions demanding a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza. Additionally, the US should support General Assembly resolutions that endorse a two-state solution and condemn Israeli settlements, aligning with its stated policies.

The United Nations, despite some criticism, continues to play a crucial role in reporting the ground realities and calling for global action. Its institutions, including the UN General Assembly, Secretary-General, WHO chief, and UNICEF chief, have made significant efforts to mobilize the world against the violence. The author emphasizes that true leadership requires the strength to stand on the side of what is right, rather than clinging to historical positions.

In conclusion, the article sheds light on the growing credibility crisis facing the liberal world order due to Western hypocrisy in its approach towards the Israel-Palestine conflict. It calls for a reassessment of Western actions and urges the US to align its policies with its principles to regain its global reputation as a reliable world power and a peace builder. The United Nations continues to play a vital role in addressing the crisis, emphasizing the importance of collective action and adherence to fundamental values.

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