Crime and Fear Persist in New York City Despite Crime Reduction Claims

Former NYPD Sgt. Pete Panuccio has expressed concerns about the ongoing culture of fear in New York City, indicating that crime rates remain higher than in 2019. Panuccio’s remarks are part of a series titled Crisis in New York, which examines the impact of public policies on the city’s housing, law enforcement, and drug services. Despite city leaders’ claims of crime reduction, Panuccio argues that New Yorkers still live in fear of brazen criminals attacking them in subways or on the streets. He emphasizes that this fear is difficult to quantify but is palpable among residents.

According to data from the New York City Police Department, city leaders have highlighted crime reductions since the historically violent year of 2020, which saw the highest number of murders since 2011 and an increase in other violent crimes. However, Panuccio attributes the culture of lawlessness to permissive and progressive policies, which he claims exploded during the COVID-19 pandemic and have persisted since then.

Panuccio disputes the figures presented by Mayor Eric Adams during a public safety address on January 3, where Adams claimed a 12% drop in homicides and a 25% decrease in shootings between 2022 and 2023. Panuccio argues that these numbers hide the true story and points to crime levels before the pandemic. He states that when compared to 2019, the increase in crime is staggering.

Although crime has decreased overall since the pandemic, certain offenses, such as homicides, robberies, and felony assaults, remain significantly higher compared to pre-pandemic levels. A poll conducted by the Siena College Research Institute in July revealed that more than two-thirds of New Yorkers considered crime a serious issue in their communities, with over 40% feeling threatened by strangers’ behavior in public.

Panuccio criticizes the city’s crime statistics, asserting that they fail to capture the fear experienced by residents. He retired from the NYPD in 2020 after witnessing social justice protests escalate into riots with widespread destruction and looting, which he attributes to the culture of lawlessness resulting from liberal policies.

Panuccio draws parallels between the fear gripping New York City today and the crime-ridden 1980s. He recalls a period of improvement in the following decade when Republican Mayor Rudy Guiliani’s administration took a tough stance on crime. Panuccio believes that Democrats’ soft-on-crime policies have enabled criminals and fostered a culture of lawlessness. He asserts that real change will only come when Democrats are no longer in power.

In response to the article, Mayor Adams’ office emphasized the decrease in crime under his administration. The NYPD and the New York City Council’s Progressive Caucus did not provide comments.

Overall, concerns about crime and fear persist in New York City despite claims of crime reduction by city leaders. Former NYPD Sgt. Pete Panuccio highlights the ongoing culture of lawlessness and emphasizes the need for public safety to ensure the well-being of residents.

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