RallyRight Launches Innovative Technology Platforms to Boost Fundraising and Voter Turnout for Conservative Candidates

A new technology company called RallyRight, LLC has recently made its national debut, aiming to provide conservative candidates with a fundraising and voter turnout advantage in the upcoming 2024 elections and beyond. RallyRight’s founder and former Republican Georgia Sen. Kelly Loeffler shared in an interview with Digital that her inspiration for establishing the company stemmed from her own run-off election loss in 2021, as well as her determination to counterbalance the Democrats’ significant fundraising and electoral successes in recent years. Loeffler is hopeful that the company’s two major platforms, DonateRight and FieldRight, will help conservatives in swing Senate seats and House districts overcome the series of consecutive losses they have experienced in Georgia.

Loeffler, an entrepreneur at heart and a long-time GOP activist, recognized the need to address political shortcomings by leveraging successful business strategies. She founded Greater Georgia, a non-profit organization in 2021, with the goal of registering more conservatives to vote. This initiative ensured the presence of proper advocacy, election integrity, and grassroots support. RallyRight’s technology was then developed to strengthen the infrastructure required for victory at all levels of the ballot. DonateRight, a payment technology platform, enables candidates to optimize their fundraising efforts, while FieldRight, a gig economy app, assists campaigns in enhancing their voter outreach programs through advanced mapping algorithms and canvassing contractor network matching.

Loeffler emphasized that RallyRight’s platforms have already demonstrated tremendous early success during the 2023 off-year election cycle on a smaller scale. They have provided smaller municipal and state-level candidates with the necessary resources for fundraising, identifying persuadable voters, and engaging Spanish-speaking voters. These features offer cost efficiency, making them accessible to both small and large national campaigns.

Shifting from a defensive mindset to an offensive one is crucial for conservatives, according to Loeffler. Meeting voters where they are and actively engaging in the field are essential strategies to counter the left’s influence. RallyRight’s products aim to break the left’s dominance and allow conservatives to regain the offensive advantage. Loeffler believes that narrower victory margins necessitate seizing control over campaign performance factors, especially in the face of a perceived “two-tiered justice system.” By providing campaigns with essential resources, RallyRight aims to level the playing field and prevent further disadvantages in fundraising, persuasion, advocacy, and voter turnout.

Loeffler envisions RallyRight as a game-changer for the 2024 election and beyond. She stresses the importance of having the necessary funds and resources to compete effectively. RallyRight’s innovative tools empower more campaigns to secure victories up and down the ticket. Loeffler warns that failure to push back against the left’s technological advancements could result in conservatives falling further behind in crucial areas such as fundraising, persuasion, advocacy, and turnout.

RallyRight’s launch has generated significant buzz within conservative circles, with many hopeful that the company’s platforms will provide a much-needed boost to conservative candidates in future elections. Stay updated on the latest developments from the 2024 campaign trail, exclusive interviews, and more at our Digital election hub.

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