Biden Faces Criticism for Bombing Yemen, Contradicting Previous Stance on Presidential Authority

In a recent development, President Biden has come under fire from conservatives for authorizing missile strikes in Yemen, a move that contradicts his previous statements as a presidential candidate in 2020. This has sparked outrage within the progressive left and has prompted Republicans to criticize Biden’s actions. The attacks on Yemen were carried out in response to Iran-backed Houthi rebels’ assaults on ships in the Red Sea.

During his presidential campaign, Biden condemned then-President Trump for bombing Iran without congressional approval. In January 2020, Biden posted on social media, “Let’s be clear: Donald Trump does not have the authority to take us into war with Iran without Congressional approval.” He emphasized the importance of the informed consent of the American people before engaging in military actions.

Furthermore, Biden stated, “As President, I will use military power responsibly and as a last resort. We will not go back to forever wars in the Middle East,” in a post from February 2020 with the hashtag “#DemDebate.”

Conservatives have seized upon these statements and criticized Biden for the apparent hypocrisy of his actions. Commentators and lawmakers have pointed out the stark contrast between his previous condemnation of Trump’s actions and his authorization of strikes in Yemen.

Some Republicans, however, have backed Biden’s airstrikes on Houthi rebels in Yemen, considering them a necessary response to the attacks on international maritime vessels. The move has been described as “overdue but welcome” by top Republicans.

Criticism of Biden’s decision has not been limited to conservatives, as some Democrats have also expressed concern. Michigan Representative Rashida Tlaib and progressive activist Nina Turner have criticized Biden for violating Article I of the Constitution by carrying out airstrikes without congressional approval. They argue that the American people are tired of endless wars and that Biden’s actions undermine democratic principles.

It is worth noting that the Biden administration lifted the terrorist designation for the Houthis in Yemen less than a month after taking office in 2021. This decision has raised questions and accusations regarding the administration’s transparency and honesty in dealing with the situation.

President Biden, in defense of his authorization of the strikes, stated that they were a direct response to the Houthi attacks, which endangered U.S. personnel and threatened freedom of navigation. He emphasized that the targeted strikes were meant to send a clear message that the United States and its allies would not tolerate attacks on their personnel or allow hostile actors to disrupt international commerce.

The White House has been contacted for comment but has not yet responded.

In conclusion, President Biden’s decision to authorize airstrikes in Yemen has sparked criticism and controversy. Conservatives have accused him of hypocrisy, pointing out his previous condemnation of Trump’s military actions without congressional approval. Some Republicans, however, have supported the strikes as a necessary response to the Houthi attacks. Democrats, including Tlaib and Turner, have also raised concerns about the violation of constitutional authority. The situation has raised questions about the transparency of the Biden administration’s decision-making process.

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