Florida Woman Sues Lyft After Alleged Rape Resulted in Pregnancy and Birth of Child

A Florida woman named Tabatha Means has filed a lawsuit against ride-sharing company Lyft, alleging that she was repeatedly raped by a Lyft driver in 2019, which resulted in her becoming pregnant and giving birth to a child. The incident took place on April 28, 2019, when Means, who was intoxicated after attending a party, requested a Lyft driver to take her home. According to Means, the driver made inappropriate comments about her appearance and insisted that she sit in the front seat of the vehicle.

Upon reaching her drop-off location, the driver allegedly touched Means’ leg and offered to accompany her inside her residence. Despite her objections, the driver followed her inside and sexually assaulted her. Means discovered her pregnancy weeks later and a DNA test confirmed that the child’s father was the Lyft driver.

During a virtual press conference, Means expressed her struggle in processing the trauma and trying to be a mother to her child, who serves as a constant reminder of her darkest hour. She urged others who use ride-sharing apps to speak up and report any incidents of assault or harassment.

Means’ lawsuit accuses Lyft of negligence in hiring the driver, failing to implement adequate safety measures, and not warning customers about potential risks. The lawsuit also claims that Lyft inflicted emotional distress on the plaintiff. In response, Lyft stated that the alleged incident did not occur on the Lyft platform, as it involved a separate trip arranged between the individuals. Lyft emphasized its commitment to safety and its continuous efforts to improve the platform’s security features.

Means’ attorney, Rachel Abrams, disputed Lyft’s claim and stated that the ride was booked through the Lyft app. Abrams criticized Lyft for using a deficiency in its platform as a means to attack a rape survivor. Lyft further noted that no safety report, customer service report, or police report was filed regarding the incident, and the driver in question has not been associated with the company for years.

Means and her attorney are advocating for Lyft to implement stricter safety measures, including fingerprint-based background checks for new drivers, sexual harassment training, and mandatory cameras in vehicles with saved recordings.

Lyft’s 2021 safety report revealed that 99% of all rides occur without any safety reports filed. However, the company received more than 4,000 sexual assault reports between 2017 and 2019. With nearly 23 million active riders in 2019, Lyft faces increasing pressure to address safety concerns.

The lawsuit represents a disturbing case that highlights the importance of ensuring passenger safety in ride-sharing services. As the legal battle unfolds, Lyft is being called upon to take greater responsibility for the well-being of its customers and implement comprehensive safety measures to prevent future incidents.

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