Maryland’s Handgun Licensing Law to be Reconsidered by Full Court, Attorney General Seeks Review

In a significant development, the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has granted Maryland’s petition to have its handgun licensing law reconsidered by the full court. This comes after a three-judge panel struck down the law in November, ruling it unconstitutional. Maryland Attorney General Anthony Brown confirmed the court’s decision on Thursday.

The law in question requires most citizens to obtain a license before acquiring a handgun. However, the three-judge panel found this requirement to be unconstitutionally restrictive. The panel’s ruling, with a majority vote of 2-1, sparked controversy and prompted Maryland’s Attorney General to request a review by the full court.

The process of obtaining a license can currently take up to 30 days, and this delay has been a point of contention among gun rights advocates. However, supporters argue that such measures are necessary to ensure public safety and prevent tragedies.

The underlying lawsuit challenging the law was filed in 2016, specifically targeting the Maryland law that mandates a special license for handgun purchases. This legislation was enacted in 2013 following the devastating mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut.

Maryland’s Attorney General, Anthony Brown, expressed his satisfaction with the court’s decision to rehear the case. He emphasized his commitment to defending common-sense gun laws that aim to protect Marylanders from preventable tragedies.

This development has garnered attention, particularly in the midst of the ongoing 2024 campaign trail. It adds to the debate surrounding gun control and highlights the differing perspectives on this issue within the United States.

As the full court prepares to review Maryland’s handgun licensing law, the outcome of this case will undoubtedly have significant implications for gun rights and public safety in the state. It remains to be seen how the court will ultimately rule on this contentious matter.

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