Global Artists Call for Strike Against Germany’s Stance on Israel’s War on Gaza

Berlin, Germany – Over 500 artists, filmmakers, writers, and culture workers from around the world have joined forces to protest Germany’s approach to Israel’s war on Gaza. The campaign, known as Strike Germany, encourages creatives to refrain from collaborating with German state-funded associations as a means of expressing solidarity with Palestine. The movement, supported by prominent figures such as French author Annie Ernaux and Palestinian poet Mohammed El-Kurd, accuses Germany of adopting “McCarthyist policies that suppress freedom of expression, specifically expressions of solidarity with Palestine.”

According to the signatories, the German authorities’ actions throughout the 97 days of the war have had a chilling effect on the nation, particularly within the arts community. El-Kurd emphasized the importance of rejecting anti-Palestinian racism and boycotting organizations that promote or tolerate such racism. He stated, “There can be no business as usual during genocide, and there can be no collaboration with those who deny, justify, or partake in the Israeli genocidal campaign currently waged on the Palestinian people in the besieged Gaza Strip. It’s our moral responsibility.”

The protest, which aims to draw attention to Germany’s alleged crackdown on pro-Palestinian advocacy, comes in response to the ongoing brutal Israeli assault on Gaza, which has claimed the lives of over 23,000 Palestinians, including nearly 10,000 children, since October 7. The signatories highlight the banning of symbols of pro-Palestine support, the prohibition of rallies in Berlin, and the German president’s call on Arabs to distance themselves from Hamas as discriminatory actions. The coalition of artists demands that German authorities protect artistic freedom and combat structural racism, referencing Germany’s 2019 resolution against the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) campaign.

The potential impact of the strike could be significant, affecting cultural events such as the upcoming Berlin Film Festival, as well as institutions like the Goethe-Institut and Gropius Bau museum. Phillip Ayoub, a professor of political science at University College London, noted the effectiveness of strikes and boycotts in instigating political change, stating that they disrupt existing power structures and raise awareness around social problems.

One artist, who chose to remain anonymous for fear of reprisal, stated that the withdrawal of artists represents a refusal to comply with Germany’s unwavering support for the Israeli state. The artist criticized the generous public funding for culture, arguing that it has allowed the German state to censor and control those who hold differing ideologies. The artist added, “Withdrawing means refusing to be an ornament to a state that fancies itself open-minded and a center of progressive culture – but bans expressions of support for a people facing genocide, a genocide armed, in part, by the German state itself.”

The Strike Germany campaign is expected to challenge the status quo and bring attention to the suffering and dehumanization of Palestinians. By mobilizing public support and amplifying the voices advocating for change, the artists hope to effect political transformation and shed light on the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza.

In conclusion, the global artistic community’s call for a strike against Germany’s stance on Israel’s war on Gaza is gaining momentum. More than 500 artists have united to express their solidarity with Palestine and critique Germany’s alleged suppression of freedom of expression. As the campaign gains traction, it remains to be seen how German authorities and cultural institutions will respond to the demands for artistic freedom and the combatting of structural racism.

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