Hunter Biden Defends Inclusion of President Biden in Business Calls with Ukrainian Associates Amid Contempt Hearing

In a surprising turn of events, Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, defended his decision to include his father in business calls with Ukrainian associates during a House contempt hearing. The controversy arose when Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., questioned Hunter Biden about President Biden’s involvement in his business affairs.

During his conversation with FOX Business reporter Hillary Vaughn, Hunter Biden was asked why he had put his father on speakerphone during these business meetings if he had no involvement in his business. In response, Hunter Biden asked Vaughn if she had a dad and if he called her. When Vaughn confirmed, Hunter Biden replied, “Do you answer the phone?” to which Vaughn responded affirmatively.

While the exchange may seem innocuous, it raises questions about the extent of President Biden’s involvement in his son’s business dealings. Devon Archer, a former best friend and business associate of Hunter Biden in Ukraine, testified in July that President Biden had met with dozens of Hunter’s business associates during his time as vice president. Archer described meetings where Hunter would introduce his father to foreign business partners or prospective investors, either in person or via telephone. He also claimed that Joe Biden was put on speakerphone during meetings at least 20 times to sell “the brand.”

Critics argue that President Biden’s involvement in Hunter’s business affairs raises concerns of potential conflicts of interest. They claim that it is inappropriate for a sitting president to be involved in his family’s business dealings, especially when it involves foreign entities.

Supporters of the Bidens argue that Hunter Biden’s inclusion of his father in these calls is merely a matter of seeking guidance and advice from a trusted family member. They argue that it is common for individuals to seek input from their parents, especially when it comes to important business decisions.

The ongoing impeachment probe against President Biden adds another layer of complexity to this controversy. Republicans have been critical of the president’s handling of the situation, accusing him of potential wrongdoing and calling for a thorough investigation into the Biden family’s business dealings.

It remains to be seen how this controversy will unfold and whether it will have any lasting impact on President Biden’s presidency. As the investigation continues, it is clear that the involvement of family members in business affairs remains a contentious issue, and it raises important questions about ethics and transparency in government.

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