Tragic Accident at Vermont Daycare Raises Concerns About Child Safety

A heartbreaking incident at Smugglers’ Notch Resort in Vermont has left a family grieving the loss of their 3-year-old son, Tate Holtzman. The toddler tragically fell into an underground cistern while attending a daycare program at the resort in July, sustaining serious injuries. Despite the efforts of courageous teenage lifeguards and medical professionals, Tate passed away a few days later at the University of Vermont Medical Center.

Vermont State Police recently announced that no criminal charges will be filed in connection with Tate’s death. After completing their investigation, the police handed over their findings to the Lamoille County state’s attorney, who determined that no criminal charges were warranted. However, the incident has prompted both the Vermont Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the Vermont Department for Children and Families, responsible for overseeing licensed daycare providers, to conduct their own reviews of the incident.

According to police reports, Tate was under adult supervision and near an outdoor splash pad when he accidentally stepped on an unsecured cover to the cistern, causing it to give way. The lifeguards on duty at the nearby pools made multiple attempts to locate Tate inside the tank, putting themselves at great personal risk in a valiant effort to save his life.

Smugglers’ Notch Resort, where the daycare program was held, has declined to comment further on the incident. However, Tate’s parents, Jennifer and Zachary Holtzman, released a written statement expressing their determination to raise awareness about water safety and prevent similar tragedies from happening to other young children. The family is also considering pursuing civil litigation.

Their lawyer, Jennifer Denker, highlighted the preventable nature of the tragedy, attributing it to the dangerous design and lack of safety features of the cistern, as well as its improper installation and lack of warnings. Denker emphasized the need for accountability and ensuring that such hazardous situations are addressed to prevent future accidents.

As the community mourns the loss of young Tate Holtzman, this heartbreaking incident serves as a reminder of the importance of child safety and the need for careful evaluation and implementation of safety measures in all environments where children are present.

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