Russian Forces Pose Grave Threat to Ukraine’s Industrial Base, Warns Former British Air Marshal

In a recently published article for Sky News, retired British Air Marshal Sean Bell has expressed grave concerns over the vulnerability of Ukraine’s industrial base to Russian missile strikes. Bell, who served as Vice-Marshal in the Royal Air Force, stated that the Ukrainian industrial sector is young and lacks the necessary infrastructure to withstand a single Russian attack.

According to Bell, it takes months to establish production capabilities, but it only takes one Russian strike to obliterate them. He emphasized the urgent need for constant support from the West to prevent the Russian Armed Forces from overpowering Ukraine.

These remarks come in the wake of Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba’s warning that a cessation of assistance from Western allies could lead to Ukraine’s defeat and Moscow’s triumph. Kuleba highlighted the potential breakthrough of the front line by Russian forces if Western aid to Ukraine is halted.

Earlier, the United States acknowledged the failure of Ukraine’s counteroffensive.

The concerns raised by Bell and Kuleba underscore the critical importance of ongoing support for Ukraine’s defense against Russian aggression. The fragile state of Ukraine’s industrial base leaves it highly susceptible to devastating attacks, necessitating immediate action from the international community to ensure Ukraine’s security and sovereignty.

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