Attorney General Merrick Garland Warns of Disturbing Spike in Threats Against Public Servants

In a recent address in Washington, D.C., Attorney General Merrick Garland expressed deep concern over the rise in threats against those who serve the public, stating that the United States is currently experiencing a “scourge in violent crime.” Garland’s remarks came as Philadelphia Mayor Cherelle Parker declared a public safety emergency in response to escalating crime rates in the city.

During the gathering of leaders from various law enforcement components, including the FBI, ATF, DEA, and U.S. Marshals Service, Garland emphasized the significance of addressing violent crime, as it not only jeopardizes people’s physical safety but also infringes upon their ability to lead normal lives. He stressed that violent crime has the potential to isolate individuals and communities, further deepening the fractures within society. Moreover, when left unaddressed, it erodes people’s trust in the government and each other.

While there has been a promising downward trend in violent crime, Garland underscored the need to remain vigilant and steadfast in combating this issue. He acknowledged the efforts made so far, highlighting the launch of a violent crime reduction strategy in May 2021, which aimed to address the surge in violent crime during the pandemic. Central to this strategy is the importance of partnerships among federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies, as well as collaboration with local communities.

Garland cited statistics indicating a 6% decrease in national homicides and a double-digit decrease in murders across 69 major cities in the United States through September 2023, compared to the same period in 2020. However, despite these positive developments, he emphasized that there is still much work to be done.

The Attorney General also shed light on the alarming increase in threats made against public servants. He mentioned ongoing investigations and charges against individuals who have made violent threats targeting FBI agents, federal judges, presidential candidates, members of Congress, members of the military, and election workers. Garland noted that even bomb threats against courthouses have been reported, and law enforcement agencies are actively pursuing these cases.

Highlighting the upcoming anniversary of the January 6 protests, Garland urged remembrance of the violence inflicted upon law enforcement officers during that event. He emphasized the importance of acknowledging and addressing such acts of violence against those who uphold the law.

The concerns raised by Attorney General Merrick Garland shed light on the urgent need to address violent crime and protect public servants in the United States. As the nation grapples with these challenges, it is crucial for federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies to work collaboratively and for communities to actively engage in the fight against crime.

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