Nikki Haley Addresses Trump, Biden, and Immigration at Iowa Town Hall

Republican presidential candidate and former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley had a number of stand-out moments during her appearance at an Iowa town hall hosted by CNN on Thursday. Haley addressed how she plans to overtake former President Trump, the clear front-runner in the race for the Republican nomination, as well as addressing recent controversial statements she made on the campaign trail regarding slavery and the Iowa caucuses.

When asked how she planned to overtake Trump, Haley pointed to polls that indicate she would triumph in a one-on-one matchup with President Biden. “I defeat Biden by 17 points,” Haley said, referencing one recent poll. She argued that winning by double digits would give her a mandate to move past President Trump and be a generational leader who leaves negativity and baggage behind.

However, Haley also defended her intention to pardon Trump should he be convicted of any crime, stating that some of the prosecutions he faces are “politically motivated.” She acknowledged that Trump would have to answer for some charges but did not specify which ones.

Haley criticized Biden’s handling of the worsening crisis at the southern border, calling it a “dereliction of duty.” She slammed his administration’s efforts to combat Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s actions to secure the state from migrants attempting to cross the Rio Grande. She dismissed Biden’s efforts to remove razor wire at the border, questioning his commitment to border security.

In terms of immigration policy, Haley proposed implementing a national e-verify program to prevent businesses from hiring illegal immigrants, defunding sanctuary cities, reinstating Trump’s remain in Mexico policy, and adopting a “catch and deport” approach instead of “catch and release.”

During the town hall, Haley addressed her previous omission of slavery as the reason for the Civil War, admitting it was a mistake. She explained that as a southerner, she looks past the issue of slavery and race due to its prevalence in southern history and upbringing, but acknowledged that she should have mentioned slavery first.

Haley also highlighted her handling of a shooting incident involving an unarmed Black man during her time as governor of South Carolina. She emphasized the importance of relationship-building between police and communities to prevent riots like those in Ferguson, Missouri.

Regarding her comments on the Iowa caucuses, Haley defended her statement that New Hampshire would “correct” Iowa’s nominating process. She clarified that her remarks were meant as banter among Republican opponents and criticized the current state of politics for being too serious and dramatic.

In conclusion, Nikki Haley’s appearance at the Iowa town hall showcased her plans to overtake Trump, her stance on immigration, and her response to controversies surrounding the Civil War and the Iowa caucuses. Her strong performance and proposals garnered attention and set the stage for further engagement in the 2024 presidential race.

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