Nikki Haley’s Presidential Campaign Gains Momentum with $24 Million Fundraising Haul

GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley has announced that her campaign raised an impressive $24 million during the October-December fourth quarter of fundraising, indicating a significant surge in momentum. This fundraising total is more than double the $11 million raised in the previous quarter and more than triple the $7.3 million raised in the second quarter. The former two-term South Carolina governor, who later served as ambassador to the United Nations in former President Donald Trump’s administration, now has $14.5 million cash on hand as the Iowa caucuses approach on January 15.

Haley’s campaign has successfully appealed to grassroots supporters, with contributions coming from 180,000 donors in the past three months. Among these donors, 83,900 are new contributors, almost matching the number of unique donors in all previous quarters combined. The campaign emphasized that $16.25 million of the fourth quarter fundraising came from digital and mail grassroots efforts.

Campaign manager Betsy Ankney confidently stated, “This is a two-person race between Nikki Haley and Donald Trump. Nikki is the only Trump alternative with the voter support, the operation, and the resources to go the distance. Our momentum continues to build as we head into 2024.”

Though the breakdown of funds raised for the Republican primaries versus the general election was not provided, Haley has seen a surge in popularity in recent months. Her strong performances in the first three GOP presidential primary debates have propelled her to second place in New Hampshire, behind Trump. In Iowa, she is now in a close race with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for second place, while Trump maintains a significant lead.

Haley’s $24 million fundraising haul far surpasses her competitors’ totals, including Trump’s $45.5 million raised in the third quarter and DeSantis’ $15 million. Despite running a frugal campaign, Haley has recently expanded her team and launched a major ad blitz in Iowa and New Hampshire with the support of an aligned super PAC.

Addressing her recent gaffe during a town hall in New Hampshire, Haley admitted that she should have mentioned slavery when discussing the causes of the Civil War. She acknowledged her mistake and stated that she is moving forward, emphasizing that the issue is not a significant topic of discussion among voters.

As the 2024 campaign trail heats up, Haley’s fundraising success and growing support position her as a strong contender in the Republican presidential race. With her momentum and resources, she aims to provide a viable alternative to Donald Trump as the party’s nominee.

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