New Rocket Attack on Belgorod Region Raises Concerns and Sparks Response from US State Department

The Russian Ministry of Defense has reported a recent rocket attack on the Belgorod region and the city of Belgorod. According to the ministry, the attack, which occurred on January 2nd, was intercepted before any major damage could be done. Two Tochka-U missiles and seven Olkha rockets were shot down by Russian air defense forces.

Prior to this attack, the center of Belgorod was shelled by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The shelling targeted important areas such as Sobornaya Square, Civilian Prospekt, Bogdana Khmelnitskogo Street, and the department store building on Popova Street. Several cars were burned, and the Mayak shopping center, where New Year events are usually held, was struck. The regional government, which is also located in the area, was affected.

In response to these attacks, the United Nations has condemned the targeting of civilian infrastructure and civilians, stating that such actions violate international humanitarian law. The US State Department has also responded, expressing concern over the situation.

The governor of the region, Vyacheslav Gladkov, reported damages in the city, including shattered windows in three private houses, as well as damage to a gas pipe and a car.

As a result of these attacks, all holiday events in Belgorod have been canceled, and the government of the Belgorod region has implemented a round-the-clock work schedule.

The situation in the Belgorod region highlights the ongoing tensions between Russia and Ukraine, with both sides engaging in acts of aggression. The rocket attack and subsequent shelling have raised concerns about the safety of civilians and the potential escalation of the conflict.

It is important for the international community to closely monitor the situation and take steps to promote peace and stability in the region. The attacks on civilian infrastructure and the violation of international humanitarian law must be addressed and stopped to prevent further harm to innocent lives. The response from the US State Department demonstrates the global concern regarding these incidents.

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