Biden’s Support Among Key Demographics Plummets, Trump Takes the Lead in Polls, Threatening His Re-Election Chances

Campus Reform correspondent Pedro Rodriguez and Libre Initiative strategic director Monet Flores-Bacs recently discussed the reasons behind President Biden’s declining support among young and Hispanic voters, as a new poll reveals alarming numbers for the president. Biden’s once strong support among Black voters has plummeted to just 63%, a significant drop from the 92% he received in the 2020 presidential election, according to Pew Research Center data. Similarly, his support among Hispanic voters has fallen from 59% to a mere 34%.

Furthermore, the poll shows that Biden is trailing behind former President Donald Trump, his likely Republican opponent, with a margin of 37% to 33% among voters under the age of 35. While some of the lost support has shifted to third-party candidates, Trump still holds the advantage. In a head-to-head matchup with specified third-party candidates, Trump leads Biden by 3%. Notably, independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. garnered 10% support in the poll.

The poll also highlights a significant enthusiasm gap between Trump and Biden supporters. 44% of Trump supporters described themselves as having the highest level of enthusiasm, compared to a mere 18% of Biden supporters who expressed the same level of enthusiasm. This discrepancy could prove crucial in mobilizing voters and winning the upcoming presidential election.

Despite these alarming numbers, both candidates maintain strong support within their respective parties. Trump enjoys a commanding lead among likely primary voters in the Republican Party, with 62% backing him. In contrast, Biden receives 74% support from likely primary voters in the Democratic Party.

The disappointing poll numbers for Biden come at a time when concerns are growing within his own party about the possibility of Trump winning back the White House. Prominent Democratic strategists, such as James Carville and David Axelrod, have voiced their concerns about Biden’s standing and the urgency for the Democratic Party to address these challenges heading into the 2024 election.

David Faris, a political science professor at Roosevelt University, recently emphasized the severity of the situation, stating that Biden’s historically low polling numbers should “panic” the Democratic Party. He compared Biden’s plight to that of past presidents and concluded that this is the worst polling environment for an incumbent president one year out from an election since the advent of polling in the 1930s.

As Biden’s re-election prospects appear increasingly threatened, Digital has reached out to the Biden campaign for comment on these concerning poll results. Stay updated on the latest developments from the 2024 campaign trail, including exclusive interviews and more, at our Digital election hub.

Brandon Gillespie is an associate editor at [publication name]. Follow him on X at @BGillespieAL. For more politics content, subscribe to our newsletter for the latest updates from the 2024 campaign trail and exclusive interviews.

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