Yemeni Houthi Rebels Launch Ballistic Missiles at US Barge in Red Sea

Yemeni Houthi rebels have recently fired two ballistic missiles at a US-owned barge in the southern part of the Red Sea, according to sources among the rebels, as reported by Sky News Arabiya.

Fortunately, the vessel did not sustain any damage, and there were no clashes between American ships and the rebels or any retaliatory strikes from the barge.

Earlier, Sky News Arabiya, citing Israeli and Iranian media, reported intense clashes between Houthi militants’ combat boats and an American military ship following the rebels’ attack.

In recent months, there has been an increase in attacks on ships traveling in international waters in the Red Sea amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the radical Palestinian movement, Hamas.

On December 31, it was reported that the US had sunk three boats that had attacked the Maersk container ship. The Houthis targeted the Hangzhou from a distance of 20 meters and attempted to board the vessel but were met with return fire. American helicopters dispatched to the scene were also fired upon. The helicopters returned fire, sinking three boats, while the fourth boat retreated from the area.

Earlier, the Houthi rebels announced their intention to attack commercial ships in the Red Sea every 12 hours.

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