Global Activists Call for New Year’s Countdown to Ceasefire in Gaza

Activists around the world are urging people to turn their New Year’s countdown into a powerful symbol of hope and peace by calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. Since October 7, Gaza has been subjected to devastating Israeli bombardment, resulting in the loss of countless innocent lives. In response, the London-based grassroots campaign, Countdown2Ceasefire, has launched a global movement to turn the traditional New Year’s celebration into a resounding call for an end to the violence.

With a staggering death toll of nearly 30,000 civilians, including over 10,000 children, the activists are demanding a permanent ceasefire as their only New Year’s resolution. They believe that the moment of celebration worldwide presents an ideal opportunity to create a brighter future and put an end to the suffering in Gaza. The campaign aims to transform the New Year’s countdown into a powerful symbol of unity and solidarity for a permanent ceasefire.

This grassroots movement has gained significant traction, with activists in over 30 countries, including Switzerland, Turkiye, Malaysia, Australia, Tanzania, Mexico, and Germany, embracing the cause. Local events calling for a ceasefire will be livestreamed across Countdown2Ceasefire’s social media platforms, allowing people from all over the world to join in the movement.

Bushra Mohammad, a campaign spokeswoman, emphasized that a permanent ceasefire is the crucial first step towards ending the deplorable situation in Gaza and enabling traumatized communities to rebuild and recover. The brutal military offensive by Israel has already claimed the lives of more than 21,500 people and left over 55,000 others wounded, sparking global outrage. Protesters worldwide have taken to the streets to demand an immediate end to the violence.

Additionally, criticism has been directed towards politicians and countries who vetoed or abstained from voting for a ceasefire at the United Nations. Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and Doctors Without Borders have condemned these actions, warning that they will result in a humanitarian disaster. The World Food Programme has also raised an alarm, stating that millions in Gaza are at risk of starvation and emphasizing that only a long-term ceasefire and unhindered humanitarian access can prevent this crisis.

Despite international condemnation and appeals for a ceasefire, Israel has refused to halt the bombing, causing extensive damage to over 70 percent of Gaza’s homes and displacing more than 90 percent of its population of 2.3 million people. Countdown2Ceasefire highlights the potential impact of people power, expressing hope that the year 2024 will be the turning point when their New Year’s resolution for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza becomes a reality.

In a world that often seems divided, this global movement serves as a reminder of the power of unity and collective action in the face of adversity. As the New Year approaches, activists worldwide are determined to make a difference and bring an end to the devastating violence in Gaza. The countdown to 2024 symbolizes not just a celebration but also a call for peace and justice, urging the international community to prioritize the lives of innocent civilians and work towards a brighter future for all.

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