Americans Reflect on President Biden’s Performance in 2023 and Offer Suggestions for 2024

In cities across the United States, Americans have been assessing President Biden’s performance in 2023 and providing their opinions on areas he should focus on in the coming year. This evaluation comes after a recent poll revealed that Biden’s approval rating had fallen below 40% for the fifth time this year.

Ginger from Washington, D.C., expressed her disappointment with Biden’s performance, stating that it seemed like he was pandering to those who confront him, which she believed was wrong. She gave Biden a D grade for his performance. However, Treeven, also from D.C., had a more positive view, awarding Biden a B-plus. Treeven acknowledged that Biden had made efforts to help, but felt that he had missed the mark.

According to a Gallup poll conducted on December 22, Biden ended 2023 with a 39% approval rating for December, showing a slight improvement from the previous two months when it was at 37%. However, Biden’s approval rating at this stage of his presidency is the lowest among modern presidents seeking re-election, as reported by the poll.

Cam from Michigan expressed doubts about Biden’s suitability for the job, emphasizing the toll it takes on a person. Cam believed that America needed someone sharper and more pro-American in the Oval Office, and gave Biden an F grade. In comparison, former President Trump had a 45% approval rating at this point in his presidency, while former President Obama was at 43%. Other presidents since Jimmy Carter in 1979 had approval ratings above 50%.

Aaron from Charleston, South Carolina, echoed Cam’s sentiment, stating that Biden hadn’t done anything right and had failed to fulfill his campaign promises. Aaron gave Biden an F grade. On the other hand, Michelle from D.C. gave Biden a C, recognizing that he had been doing good but not great.

Some Americans also offered advice for Biden, with Treeven suggesting that he should prioritize the needs of the middle class and those below it. Specifically, she highlighted the importance of student loan forgiveness, noting that Biden’s administration had already canceled $132 billion in student debt for over 3.6 million Americans. Ginger emphasized the need for Biden to focus on unity and compromise between Democrats and Republicans, a promise he had made during his 2020 campaign.

As President Biden’s approval rating dipped below 40% multiple times in 2023, it is clear that his performance has left some Americans dissatisfied. However, others still see room for improvement and believe that he has the potential to address key issues facing the nation.

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