Israel Faces Growing Allegations of Using Controversial Weapons in War on Gaza

From dumb bombs and bunker busters to white phosphorus, Israel’s use of inappropriate munitions in its war on Gaza has come under scrutiny. An Israeli official recently admitted that the country’s military had used questionable weapons during an attack on the Maghazi refugee camp, resulting in the deaths of at least 90 people. While investigations are underway, this incident adds to a long list of allegations against Israel’s army regarding the use of controversial weapons.

Israel has justified its actions as an effort to eliminate Hamas, which launched an attack on southern Israel in early October. However, the consequences on the ground have been devastating for generations of Palestinians and their neighborhoods. More than 21,300 Palestinians, including 8,200 children, have lost their lives in the conflict, with another 7,000 missing and presumed buried under the rubble of destroyed homes. The indiscriminate bombardment of the Gaza Strip has raised concerns about the types of weapons employed.

The term “dumb bombs” refers to unguided munitions that are dropped without precision guidance systems. Recent research by the United States Office of the Director of National Intelligence revealed that nearly half of the Israeli munitions used in Gaza were “dumb bombs.” This raises questions about Israel’s claim of minimizing civilian harm, as unguided bombs are less accurate and have a higher risk of causing civilian casualties.

Reports also suggest that Israel has used powerful bombs, such as BLU-109, designed to penetrate hardened structures. These bombs, weighing over 900kg, have been generously provided to Israel by the United States. Their use in densely populated areas increases the likelihood of high civilian casualties. The US has also supplied Israel with thousands of other bombs and artillery shells, including guided munitions like Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAMs), which can turn unguided bombs into precision-guided ones. However, the effectiveness of these weapons depends on accurate intelligence, and faulty intelligence can lead to unintended targets being hit.

Amnesty International’s investigation revealed that US-made JDAMs were used to bomb homes in Gaza, resulting in the deaths of 43 individuals from two families. Technical malfunctions and human error during the targeting process further contribute to civilian casualties. Experts argue that Israel’s military strategy of accurately targeting militant infrastructure without limiting civilian casualties and infrastructure damage is unsustainable and violates international humanitarian law.

Another controversial weapon allegedly used by Israel is white phosphorus, a chemical weapon with restricted use under international humanitarian law. Human Rights Watch reported evidence of its use by Israel in the Gaza conflict. White phosphorus, highly combustible and capable of causing fires and spreading smoke, poses a significant risk to civilians and infrastructure. The presence of rain in the air can turn it into acid rain, further endangering those who rely on rainwater for drinking purposes.

Human Rights Watch has accused Israel of deliberately depriving Palestinians in Gaza of access to food, water, and other basic necessities, which constitutes a war crime under international humanitarian law. The lack of supplies, including flour and fuel, has led to the closure of all northern Gaza’s bakeries, and if the war continues, Gaza could face a famine.

As Israel faces growing allegations of using controversial weapons in its war on Gaza, calls for transparency and accountability are intensifying. The international community, including world leaders, must address these concerns and ensure that actions are taken to prevent further civilian casualties and violations of international humanitarian law.

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