Liberal Mayors Call for Federal Emergency Declaration as Migrant Crisis Overwhelms Cities

In a special report, an all-star panel of experts discussed the growing border surge at the U.S.-Mexico border. The coalition of liberal mayors, including New York City Mayor Eric Adams, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson, and Denver Mayor Mike Johnston, held a virtual press conference to renew calls for the federal government to declare a federal emergency over the ongoing migrant crisis that has reached their cities. These mayors expressed their concerns about being overwhelmed and lacking the capacity to shelter further arrivals, as temperatures drop in their cities.

Mayor Eric Adams voiced his criticism of the administration’s handling of the migrant crisis and emphasized the urgent need for a federal declaration of emergency, financial support, and a national resettlement strategy. Similarly, Mayor Brandon Johnson highlighted the dire situation in their cities, stating that they are either close to capacity or nearly out of room without significant intervention from the federal government. Mayor Johnston added that migrants are receiving court dates as late as 2027, and many of them cannot work while they wait for work authorization, exacerbating the financial strain on their cities.

The coalition of mayors has previously called for an additional $5 billion in help from the federal government. However, the White House has requested around $1.4 billion in supplemental funding for communities across the country, which is currently being held up in Congress due to calls for more asylum limits from Republicans.

These mayors have been vocal in their criticism of the administration’s response to the crisis, as they face their own political pressures at home. Mayor Adams has even made budget cuts to education and policing to cope with the costs of the crisis, warning that it could have a devastating impact on the city if it continues. New York City alone has received over 160,000 migrants since last year.

The administration, on the other hand, has highlighted the actions it has taken to assist communities, including providing more than $1 billion in grant funding and efforts to expedite work permits and asylum requests. A White House spokesperson emphasized that President Biden is committed to addressing this problem and has submitted a supplemental funding request to Congress. The spokesperson also mentioned that the President aims to secure the border with more law enforcement, provide more grant funding for jurisdictions hosting migrants, and accelerate the processing of work permits for eligible noncitizens.

The mayors also directed criticism towards Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who has transported tens of thousands of migrants to their cities since last year. In response, Mayor Adams issued an executive order limiting buses to specific times and arrival points, as well as requiring buses to give advance notice. Governor Abbott defended his actions, stating that he is transporting migrants to cities that declare themselves as “sanctuaries” to alleviate the strain on border communities. He also pointed out the disparity between the number of migrants transported to New York City compared to the number being flown around the country by President Biden.

In conclusion, liberal mayors are calling for urgent federal intervention as their cities face an overwhelming migrant crisis. They are demanding a federal emergency declaration, financial support, and a national resettlement strategy to address the growing challenges. The mayors have criticized the administration’s response and have also targeted Texas Governor Greg Abbott for transporting migrants to their cities. The situation remains tense as Congress debates supplemental funding and Republicans push for more asylum limits.

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