Arizona Rancher Raises Alarm Over Border Crisis and Potential Terrorist Threats

A fifth-generation Arizona rancher, Jim Chilton, has expressed concern over the deteriorating situation at the southern border, citing an increase in illegal migrant crossings and a growing fear that terrorists may be entering the country undetected. Chilton, the owner of the Chilton Ranch, emphasized the seriousness of the issue, stating that there is a lack of security along the border, which has only worsened over the years. The ongoing border crisis has seen a surge in illegal migrant entries, with record-breaking numbers reported by U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

In the first week of December alone, the Tucson Sector in Arizona witnessed a staggering 18,900 migrant apprehensions, surpassing the total encounters for the entire month of December 2021. Border Patrol Agent John Modlin, the Chief of the Tucson Sector, confirmed the unprecedented increase. Daily encounters at the southern border reached a new record-high earlier this month, with over 12,000 migrants flooding in on December 4th.

Chilton highlighted the national security implications of the border crisis and expressed his deep concern about the potential infiltration of terrorists. CBP data revealed that 169 individuals on the FBI terror watch lists were encountered between ports of entry at the southern border in fiscal year 2023, surpassing the previous year’s record and the combined encounters of the last six fiscal years. Chilton questioned when these individuals would strike and whether they were already crossing his ranch.

The rancher shared a chilling incident where his wife encountered MS-13 members armed with guns after opening the door while alone at home. He further expressed his fear that more cartel members may have crossed his property without his knowledge. Chilton explained that cartels vie for control of the trails on his ranch and that he has witnessed coyotes smuggling migrants across his land. He also revealed the presence of cartel scouts on their mountains, asserting that they have control over everything.

Chilton voiced his concerns about cartels flooding specific areas with migrants to divert Border Patrol agents, thus creating undermanned sections where smugglers can bring in terrorists and drugs. For instance, the port of entry in Lukeville, Arizona, was temporarily closed due to an illegal migrant surge nearby. He emphasized that this tactic allows cartels to run drugs and bring in dangerous individuals through alternative routes.

The rancher partially attributed the influx of migrants to President Biden’s decision to halt construction on the border wall, which only protects a portion of his property. Although the administration approved funds for repairs and upgrades, Chilton urged Biden to complete the construction and hire more Border Patrol agents to ensure the safety of Americans. He criticized the message sent to the world that the border is open and anyone can enter the United States and be processed, captured, and released.

In conclusion, the border crisis in Arizona has reached alarming levels, causing distress among local ranchers like Jim Chilton. The increasing number of illegal migrant crossings, coupled with the potential for terrorist infiltration, has raised significant national security concerns. Chilton’s firsthand experiences and observations shed light on the challenges faced by border communities and the urgent need for stronger border protection measures.

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