Controversial After-School Satan Club Faces Backlash from Parents at Tennessee Elementary School

A Tennessee elementary school’s decision to allow the Satanic Temple to host an after-school program in its library has sparked outrage among parents and family members, who believe the program could negatively impact children. The Satanic Temple plans to hold its first After School Satan Club (ASSC) at Chimneyrock Elementary School in Cordova, Tennessee on January 10, 2024. The event has raised concerns about the influence of the Satanic Temple on young minds.

The Satanic Temple, recognized as a non-theistic religion by the Internal Revenue Service, describes Satan as a literary figure symbolizing the rejection of tyranny and the promotion of independent thought. The organization emphasizes that the Satan Club will not attempt to convert students to any religious ideology, but rather encourages children to think for themselves.

Lucien Greaves, co-founder and spokesman for the Satanic Temple, explained that the after-school program was created as an alternative to other religious groups that were “proselytizing” to children. However, some parents are deeply concerned about the potential impact on their children’s values and beliefs.

One parent, who wished to remain anonymous, expressed concern and anxiety over the school’s decision. They stated, “This program has great potential to negatively impact children at school there. At a time when our kids should be growing and learning to be better people, this comes along. The name itself is just out of touch with what most of us want our kids exposed to.”

Another parent, Ashley, voiced her opposition to the program, stating, “What isn’t needed is a group claiming to help kids think for themselves that pushes a view that Satan isn’t a bad thing, I’m just not OK with that.” Ashley, who is the aunt of a student at the school, hopes the program will be canceled before it influences innocent children.

The After School Satan Club focuses on seven fundamental tenets: benevolence, empathy, critical thinking, problem-solving, creative expression, personal sovereignty, and compassion. The program aims to provide teachers with assistance in preparing fun activities centered around these values.

June Everett, a spokesperson for ASSC, stated that the program only operates in schools where it has been invited to provide an alternative club to existing religious clubs. However, some parents question the decision to invite the Satanic Temple, believing it will create division among students of different faiths and backgrounds.

The school district officials have emphasized their commitment to upholding the First Amendment rights of all nonprofit organizations seeking to use their facilities outside of school hours. The Satanic Temple, recognized as a 501(c)(3) public charity by the IRS, is entitled to the same legal rights as any other nonprofit organization.

Lucien Greaves, co-founder of the Satanic Temple, defended the ASSC as a productive and educational program. He explained that the activities offered in the after-school program are designed to promote self-directed learning, including games, puzzles, and other educational activities.

While the ASSC has faced backlash from concerned parents, it still operates in several schools across the country. The controversy surrounding the program highlights the ongoing debate over the influence of different religious ideologies within public schools.

In conclusion, the decision to allow the After School Satan Club at Chimneyrock Elementary School has sparked controversy and concern among parents. While the Satanic Temple emphasizes its focus on independent thinking and pro-social values, some parents believe the program could have a negative impact on their children’s development. The debate surrounding the ASSC raises questions about the role of religion in public schools and the importance of respecting diverse beliefs and values.

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