Border Crisis Raises Concerns as Terror Watchlist Encounters Spike

Pinal County, Arizona, Sheriff Mark Lamb has expressed his concern over the increasing number of migrant encounters at the southern border and its potential threat to national security. According to data released by Customs and Border Protection (CBP), there were 17 encounters of individuals on the FBI’s terror watchlist in November, bringing the total number of encounters to 30 for the fiscal year. This alarming spike in encounters has raised concerns about the potential infiltration of terrorists into the United States.

The terror watchlist, now known as the Terrorist Screening Dataset, contains information on known or suspected terrorists, as well as affiliates of watch-listed individuals. In fiscal year 2023, Border Patrol encountered a record-breaking 169 individuals on the watchlist between ports of entry, surpassing the total number of encounters in the previous six fiscal years combined. The numbers at the ports themselves are even higher, with 49 encounters so far this fiscal year compared to 564 last year.

While CBP acknowledges that encounters of watchlisted individuals are uncommon, the rising numbers between ports of entry are concerning. It is feared that individuals with dangerous criminal histories or ties may attempt to enter the U.S. either as part of migrant groups or by evading Border Patrol. The recent Hamas terror attack on Israel has further heightened concerns, with lawmakers expressing worry that terrorist fighters may exploit the increased flow of migrants to enter the United States.

The Department of Homeland Security’s threat assessment, published in October, highlighted the growing number of watchlist encounters and warned of the potential for terrorists and criminal actors to take advantage of the complex security environment at the border. The 30 terror watchlist encounters are just a fraction of the over 242,000 migrants encountered at the southern border in November, marking the highest November on record and the third-highest month overall.

The Border Patrol has been overwhelmed by the surge in migrant numbers, particularly in locations like Lukeville, Arizona, and Eagle Pass, Texas. On a single day, a record-breaking 12,600 encounters were recorded. Sources indicate that December has already surpassed 200,000 encounters, with agents encountering over 10,000 migrants per day. This ongoing crisis has strained border officials and immigration courts.

In addition to the border crisis, concerns have been raised about the release of illegal immigrants into the U.S. by the Border Patrol. Sources reveal that more than 386,000 individuals have been released with notices to appear, not including those released by Immigration and Customs Enforcement or migrants paroled into the U.S. via the CBP One app at ports of entry. As debates continue in Washington regarding border security measures and asylum limits, the White House’s supplemental funding request of $14 billion for border funding is under scrutiny.

Republicans are advocating for greater limits on asylum and the use of humanitarian parole, while lawmakers seek to find common ground on these issues. Although there is optimism about a potential agreement, it is not expected to be reached until January at the earliest. The situation at the border remains a pressing concern, with both national security and humanitarian implications.

Bill Melugin contributed to this report.

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