House Republicans Criticize White House as Hunter Biden Omitted from Marine One Passenger List

Outnumbered panelists discuss the Biden family’s legal troubles as Hunter Biden is set to be arraigned in January. House Republicans are taking aim at the White House after President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, was left off the Marine One passenger list following a longstanding tradition of omitting him from other records such as its visitor logs. White House correspondent Jacqui Heinrich reported Tuesday that “The White House may not have helped that the president is keeping far away from Hunter’s local woes.” Observers noted that Hunter Biden was seen exiting Marine One, despite not being on the passenger list provided by the White House. This has prompted questions about what else the White House may be leaving out of its records regarding the president’s son.

Hunter Biden is currently facing a Congressional subpoena and has been indicted on financial crimes and gun charges, potentially facing a maximum of 17 years behind bars. The House Republican Conference’s social media account raised concerns about Hunter Biden’s presence at the White House, stating, “reports that Hunter Biden is currently at the White House after being spotted exiting Marine One. He was not on the White House’s passenger manifest. What other manifests and visitor logs has Hunter Biden been left off of?”

During a press briefing, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked about whether the White House will announce Hunter Biden’s presence on Marine One moving forward. Jean-Pierre responded that it is customary for the family to travel with the president and that this practice has been followed by every other president. However, critics argue that the Biden White House, despite claiming to be the “most transparent administration in American history,” has not included any of Hunter Biden’s visits or extended stays in its visitor logs.

A previous review found that Hunter Biden had visited the White House over a dozen times through February 2023, including attending ceremonial events such as the annual egg roll, Medal of Freedom ceremony, France State Dinner, Christmas tree lighting, and his daughter’s wedding. However, his presence was not recorded in the visitor logs, raising questions about transparency.

The White House spokesperson referred to a policy released at the start of the administration, stating that access records related to purely personal guests of the First and Second Families would not be released. Critics argue that this policy is less transparent than the Obama administration.

In addition to the controversy surrounding his presence at the White House, Hunter Biden is currently facing nine tax-related charges in California, which could result in a prison sentence of up to 17 years. The White House has not yet provided a comment on these latest developments.

Overall, House Republicans are criticizing the White House for omitting Hunter Biden from official records, raising concerns about transparency and accountability within the administration. The ongoing legal troubles of the Biden family continue to be a subject of discussion and debate.

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