Plans to Deploy F-16 Fighter Jets in NATO Countries for Ukraine Raise Concerns, says Russian Foreign Minister

In a recent interview on the program “The Great Game” on the “Pervy Kanal” channel, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov expressed his concerns about the plans to deploy F-16 fighter jets intended for the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) at airbases in NATO countries.

Lavrov stated that discussions about transferring F-16 aircraft to Ukraine are being taken seriously. However, he pointed out that the country lacks the necessary airfields for their operation.

According to Lavrov, proper servicing of the fighter jets requires special runways, equipment, and dozens, if not hundreds, of specialists. Such conditions can only be met at airbases in NATO member states, the minister emphasized.

“This can be done on the territory of NATO countries neighboring Ukraine. This is a dangerous consideration, and I can say this with full responsibility,” concluded Lavrov.

Previously, expert Kelly Grico had already highlighted that the runways in Ukraine are unsuitable for fourth-generation F-16 American fighter jets.

In mid-December, Slovakia warned that the flights of F-16 fighter jets from NATO airbases could lead to an open confrontation with Russia.

Earlier, Admiral James Stavridis stated that Ukraine could lose the promised F-16 fighter jets.

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