Russia’s New Missile System ‘Avangard’ Poses Unprecedented Threat, Western Nations Urged to Take Notice

In a recent radio interview, retired Colonel Victor Baranets, a military analyst, commented on the calls from Western media to pay close attention to Russia’s rearmament efforts, particularly the development of the “Avangard” missile complex. He highlighted that the warhead is launched using a ballistic missile and reaches a record-breaking speed of 28 Mach.

“There are currently no missile systems in the world that travel at a speed of 28 Mach, which is almost 10 kilometers per second. This speed makes it virtually impossible for even the most powerful American computers to intercept and track it. It baffles radars because they cannot lock onto it,” Baranets explained.

He further added that the power of the warhead ranges from 800 kilotons to two megatons.

The creation of the “Avangard” was announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin in March 2018 during his address to the Federal Assembly.

On December 16 of this year, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that the Missile Forces and Artillery unit near Orenburg received the new “Avangard” missiles.

The Mirror publication later emphasized the need for Western countries to take this complex seriously. The article highlights that the “Avangard” reaches its targets at a speed 27 times faster than the speed of sound.

Earlier, the Commander of the Missile Forces and Artillery announced the number of missile launches planned for 2024.

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