Human Rights Watch Urges World Leaders to Condemn Israel’s Use of Starvation as a Weapon of War in Gaza

Human Rights Watch (HRW), an international non-governmental organization, has accused Israel of committing a war crime by using starvation as a weapon of war in the Gaza Strip. In a statement released on Monday, HRW called on world leaders to take action against Israel’s deliberate deprivation of Palestinians’ access to food, water, and other basic necessities. The NGO cited statements from Israeli officials, interviews with survivors, reports from aid organizations, and evidence from satellite imagery to support its claim.

According to HRW, Israel’s policy of depriving Gaza’s population of essential resources for over two months is a clear indication of its intent to starve civilians as a method of warfare. Omar Shakir, Israel and Palestine director at HRW, emphasized the devastating effects of this “abhorrent war crime” on Gaza’s population and urged world leaders to speak out against it.

The timing of HRW’s statement coincides with mounting criticism against Israel for the increasing number of civilian casualties resulting from its “indiscriminate” bombardment of the Gaza Strip. The latest figures reveal that Israel has killed 18,787 people and injured another 50,897, with thousands believed to be buried under rubble. HRW highlighted speeches and statements from Israeli officials promoting a campaign to block access to necessary resources for the Gaza population, further indicating Israel’s intentions.

HRW pointed out that intentionally starving civilians by depriving them of essential resources, as outlined in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, constitutes a war crime. The situation in Gaza has become dire, with 2.3 million people facing displacement and limited access to aid for over two months. Images of the massive devastation, desperate Palestinians raiding food banks, and reports of deliberate destruction of agricultural land support the allegations.

Despite the calls for a ceasefire and denunciations from humanitarian organizations, the Israeli government responded to HRW’s accusations by labeling the organization as “anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli.” The government spokesperson accused HRW of turning a blind eye to the suffering and human rights violations faced by Israelis.

The situation in Gaza continues to worsen, with the civilian population bearing the brunt of the catastrophic war. HRW’s statement serves as a plea to world leaders to address this urgent issue and condemn Israel’s use of starvation as a weapon of war.

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