Mother Honors Daughter’s Memory with New Christmas Traditions

Ashley Baustert, the mother of the late Madison Brooks, opens up about how she is keeping her daughter’s memory alive through new Christmas traditions. Madison, a 19-year-old sophomore at Louisiana State University, tragically lost her life in January after being hit by a car following an alleged rape incident. Despite the immense pain, Brooks’ family is determined to honor her spirit and bring joy to others during the holiday season.

Baustert shares that Christmas was Madison’s favorite holiday, not because of the gifts, but because of the joy she found in being with family and making others happy. To commemorate her daughter’s giving nature, Baustert and her family are playing Santa for two children in their community who have escaped from an abusive home. They have bought them gifts and will continue to support them in the future.

The absence of Madison’s vibrant presence during the holiday season is deeply felt by her family. She was known for being the life of the party, always making everyone laugh. Baustert fondly remembers Madison’s excitement in waking up her younger brothers on Christmas morning and baking cookies with them. The loss of such a dynamic and joyful presence will never be fully filled, but Baustert and her family refuse to let despair overshadow their Christmas celebrations.

Instead, they have made deliberate efforts to ensure that Madison’s spirit is still present in their home and community. The family’s Christmas tree is adorned with pink ribbons, angels, and images of Madison, reflecting her favorite color. Baustert, along with her best friend Jenny Reimold, has also created an “Angel Tree” decorated with pink ribbons and angels to represent Madison.

In addition to these new traditions, Baustert plans to write letters to Madison every year and place them in her stocking. On Christmas morning, the family will read these letters, allowing Madison to continue being a part of their celebrations. Baustert believes that this practice not only keeps Madison’s memory alive but also teaches her sons the importance of gratitude and empathy towards others.

Throughout this difficult journey, Baustert has sought therapy, joined a support group with other mothers who have experienced similar tragedies, and relied on her faith to sustain her. She acknowledges that going through such a tragedy has been her worst nightmare but remains focused on her family’s well-being and her own emotional healing.

Madison’s alleged rape and subsequent death have brought attention to the issue of campus safety, particularly in areas like Tigerland, where the incident occurred. Four suspects have been indicted on charges related to the rape, and the case is ongoing. Despite the pain and grief, Baustert remains determined to keep her daughter’s memory alive and advocate for justice.

In conclusion, Ashley Baustert and her family are finding solace and strength in new traditions as they honor the memory of Madison Brooks. Despite the immense pain of losing their beloved daughter, they are determined to bring joy to others and keep Madison’s spirit alive during the holiday season and beyond.

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