Austin Police Association Blames District Attorney for Release of Violent Offender, Resulting in Tragic Death

In a shocking incident, Austin police shot and killed a man inside a bar, while also injuring three innocent bystanders. The Austin Police Association has directed blame towards Travis County District Attorney Jose Garza, alleging that the release of a violent offender, despite previous assault charges, led to this tragic event. The case revolves around Hilario Adrian, a 56-year-old homeless man, who was initially arrested in April for engaging in a violent altercation with another homeless individual.

According to court documents, Adrian attacked the other individual with a golf club and even threatened him with a hatchet. As a result, Adrian faced charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and was subsequently booked into Travis County Jail on a $40,000 bond. However, just four and a half months later, the judge inexplicably reduced Adrian’s bond to a mere $1, leading to his release back into the streets.

Disturbingly, on December 10, while still out on bond, Adrian was arrested again, this time for allegedly stabbing another man during a dispute involving methamphetamine. The arrest affidavit reveals the shocking details of this incident. Adrian is now back in Travis County Jail, facing First Degree Murder charges with a bond set at $1 million.

The Austin Police Association strongly criticized District Attorney Jose Garza, claiming that he has failed to fulfill his duties, resulting in the release of violent repeat offenders into the city. APA President Michael Bullock expressed his frustration, stating, “This was preventable. People want to feel safe in their city, and despite law enforcement’s efforts, prosecutors seem disinterested in keeping our city safe.”

Garza, who received support from progressive billionaire George Soros’ financial network during his election campaign in 2020, has faced additional scrutiny. Campaign finance records reveal that Soros contributed $652,000 to the Texas Justice & Public Safety PAC, which actively supported Garza’s campaign through digital and mail advertisements totaling nearly $1 million.

Adding to the complexity of the situation, Adrian’s arrest coincided with the announcement of defense attorney Jeremy Sylestine’s intention to run as a Democratic candidate against Garza in the upcoming Travis County DA election.

Digital has reached out to the Travis County District Attorney’s office for a response to the Austin Police Association’s accusations. The investigation into this tragic incident continues, leaving the community grappling with questions of public safety and the responsibility of law enforcement and prosecutors.

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