Yemen’s Houthi Rebels Warn Israel and Western Allies of Dire Consequences in Maritime Tensions

Yemen’s Houthi rebels have issued a warning to Israel, the United States, and other Western allies, stating that any hostile actions against their country will have severe consequences. The Iran-aligned Houthis, who control a significant portion of Yemen but lack international recognition, have recently intensified their attacks on vital waterways, aiming to exert pressure on Israel amidst its conflict with Palestinian armed group Hamas. In response to these developments, Israel and its Western allies have bolstered their presence in the Red Sea.

Ali al-Qahoum, a member of the Houthi’s Ansarullah politburo, emphasized Yemen’s readiness to defend itself against military aggression from the US, Israel, or any other Western power. He stated that the Houthis would remain committed to the Palestinian cause, regardless of any threats from the mentioned countries. Al-Qahoum’s remarks came during an interview with Lebanon-based Al Mayadeen TV.

The Houthis’ threats have prompted two of the world’s largest shipping companies, Danish firm Maersk and German container shipping line Hapag-Lloyd, to temporarily halt their vessels’ journeys through the Red Sea. This decision follows a series of attacks on ships carried out by the Houthis. The rebels have claimed responsibility for these attacks and have declared their intention to prevent ships from reaching Israeli ports until essential supplies, such as food and medicine, are delivered to the Gaza Strip.

US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, while addressing journalists in Tel Aviv, attributed the Houthi’s actions to Iran, stating that Iran was effectively providing them with the means to carry out such attacks. Sullivan expressed concerns about the rebels’ threat to freedom of movement in the Red Sea, which is crucial for global trade, including the transportation of oil and goods. Approximately 40% of international trade passes through this area, which connects to the Red Sea, Israel’s southern port facilities, and the Suez Canal.

The recent attacks by the Houthis have led to a surge in insurance costs for ships transiting the Red Sea. Larger vessels, such as oil tankers, have experienced significant increases in insurance expenses, amounting to tens of thousands of dollars. While warships have the necessary capabilities to defend themselves and retaliate, commercial vessels lack similar protections. The rebels have also attempted to hijack and seize several ships in the Red Sea, successfully accomplishing this at least once in November.

In response to these developments, the United States, United Kingdom, and France have deployed warships to patrol the Red Sea. These ships have intercepted and destroyed several missiles launched by the Houthis. The US, in collaboration with the international community and regional partners, is actively working to address this threat.

As tensions escalate in the Red Sea, the situation remains a cause for concern for global trade and maritime security. The international community is closely monitoring the actions of the Houthis and their impact on the region’s stability.

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