Congress Faces Busy Start to 2024 as Biden Hosts Ukrainian President, Aid Bill Stalls

As the U.S. House of Representatives heads into the new year, several critical battles await their attention. While the Senate is expected to stay an extra week to address border policy and foreign aid, the House will likely tackle these issues upon their return. The passing of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) before the holiday recess has provided some momentum, but there are still pressing matters to be resolved.

One key provision included in this year’s NDAA is a short-term extension of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). This tool allows the intelligence community to conduct surveillance on foreign nationals outside the U.S. without a warrant, even if an American citizen is involved in the communication. The FISA debate has been postponed until April, and it is expected to be a contentious issue. Opponents argue that Section 702 infringes on the civil rights of private U.S. citizens, while others maintain its importance in preventing terror attacks.

In addition to the FISA debate, House lawmakers have set a deadline of March to reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), another crucial program set to expire this year. The Senate is expected to address this issue in the coming week. Meanwhile, the government funding fight remains an immediate concern, with a continuing resolution (CR) forcing lawmakers to fund certain agencies by January 19 and the rest by February 2.

Although the House has passed five of the promised 12 single-subject appropriations bills, and the Senate has passed three in a combined “minibus,” negotiations between the two chambers are ongoing. The topline number for funding remains a point of contention that will require compromise.

Looking ahead, the 2024 campaign trail continues to unfold, with President Biden hosting Ukrainian President Zelenskyy amid a stalled aid bill in Congress. As the political landscape evolves, White House correspondent Peter Doocy provides updates on these developments. It is clear that the beginning of 2024 will be a busy and critical time for the U.S. government, with multiple pressing issues demanding attention. Stay tuned for further updates on these matters.

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