Russia’s Strategic Missile Forces Maintain Dominance with Over 400 Deployed Launchers and 1000 Warheads

Russia’s Strategic Missile Forces (SMF) possess more than 400 deployed launchers and over 1000 warheads, comprising 60% of the country’s entire nuclear triad, according to General Colonel Sergey Karakayev, the commander of the SMF, in an interview with “Krasnaya Zvezda” newspaper.

Speaking about the number of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) and warheads within the SMF, General Colonel Karakayev mentioned that he could only openly discuss the lower limit set by the New START Treaty of 2010 for the Strategic Nuclear Forces of Russia.

For the Russian Strategic Nuclear Forces, this lower limit consists of 700 deployed delivery vehicles and 1550 warheads.

“With the SMF possessing 60% of the delivery vehicles and warheads of the Strategic Nuclear Forces, it is not difficult to calculate their quantity,” he added.

Previously, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that the Yasnenskoe Missile Division of the Strategic Missile Forces in the Orenburg region will transition to using the hypersonic “Avangard” missile complex.

Earlier, President Putin had assessed the possibility of nuclear weapon use against Russia.

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