Russia’s Warning to the West: Moscow Ready to Respond to NATO’s Fighter Jets in Ukraine

The head of the Russian delegation at the Vienna talks on military security and arms control, Konstantin Gavrilov, has stated that the West has been caught off guard by Russia’s readiness to take retaliatory measures against the use of NATO airfields for the transfer of fighter jets to Ukraine. According to TASS, Gavrilov’s statement was met with silence by journalists.

“After the meeting, we were told that Western delegates rushed to report our message to their capitals, especially the Poles, Romanians, and Slovaks. It caught them off guard, and naturally, they had nothing to say in response,” added Gavrilov.

The diplomat also emphasized the distinction between the transfer of aircraft to Ukraine and the use of NATO airbases for the deployment of Ukrainian Air Force jets. He warned that Moscow’s response to such escalation would be severe.

Furthermore, Konstantin Gavrilov claimed that the United States is pressuring Denmark and the Netherlands to transfer fighter jets to Ukraine. According to him, Russia has learned that Denmark, the Netherlands, and “someone else” are seriously considering handing over their fighter jets to Ukraine.

Previously, NATO had set a condition for transferring F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine.

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