Bipartisan Effort to Clear Passport Backlog Gains Momentum in Congress

Legislation aimed at addressing the massive passport processing backlog facing Americans has made significant progress, garnering unanimous support from a top congressional committee. The Passport System Reform and Backlog Prevention Act, which seeks to reduce processing times and improve online functionality, was approved by the House Foreign Affairs Committee with bipartisan support. The bill’s author, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), expressed optimism that it will become law early next year.

Americans have been grappling with lengthy passport processing delays since the COVID-19 pandemic, with wait times currently averaging seven to 10 weeks. The proposed legislation aims to bring processing times in line with other countries and enhance online services. Secretary of State Antony Blinken acknowledged that the State Department faced significant challenges during the pandemic, resulting in a backlog. The bill aims to address this issue by implementing technological advancements and best practices.

The bill sets ambitious targets for renewal times, aiming to reduce them to within 30 days. To achieve this, it establishes standards for the government and allows the State Department to hire additional personnel. The legislation also mandates the creation of a tracking dashboard for congressional staff, a communication system for citizens to receive updates on their passport renewals, and a mobile app for these communications. Furthermore, the bill calls for a review of the passport issuance process by the Government Accountability Office to identify areas for improvement.

Since its introduction, the bill has undergone some revisions to garner more support from Democrats. Rep. Issa’s office has indicated that the legislation’s overall goal remains unchanged. The bill could be passed on its own or attached to a larger piece of legislation, and efforts are underway to ensure its passage through Congress, including the Senate.

The progress of this bipartisan bill is noteworthy, especially in a political climate where finding common ground is increasingly challenging. Rep. Issa emphasized the importance of such legislation, stating that doing the right thing remains crucial, particularly when there is little agreement on other issues.

Adam Shaw is a politics reporter for Digital, focusing on immigration and border security. He can be contacted at [email protected] or on Twitter. Stay updated on the latest developments from the 2024 campaign trail and exclusive interviews by subscribing to this newsletter.

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