Democrats and Republicans Clash Over Border Security Measures in Emergency Funding Deal

Former acting ICE Director Tom Homan discusses the border crisis that he says is not slowing down and predicts new crossing records as Border Patrol feels overwhelmed. The ongoing migrant crisis at the US-Mexico border has become a topic of intense debate and negotiations between Democrats and Republicans. As Democrats and the Biden administration try to find common ground on border security measures as part of an emergency supplemental funding deal, tensions are rising within the Democratic party.

On Thursday, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., scolded fellow members of her party for trying to “out-Republican the Republicans” on immigration. A CBS News report revealed that the White House was open to a number of policy proposals on the border, including rapid expulsions, increased detention, and nationwide expedited removal, in order to secure the supplemental funding request for the border, Ukraine, and Israel.

While Republicans, who have demanded stricter border security measures, have expressed optimism about the talks and suggested a deal could be within reach, left-wing Democrats and immigration activists have accused the White House of “selling out” migrants and asylum seekers. Jayapal, the chair of the House Progressive Caucus, criticized her fellow Democrats for attempting to appease Republicans on immigration issues, reminding them that the GOP had recently supported President Biden’s impeachment inquiry. She argued that Republicans have no genuine interest in fixing the immigration system and accused them of using immigrants as scapegoats.

Jayapal warned that giving in to Republican demands would only encourage them to further attack immigrants and undermine the immigration system. She also raised concerns about the coalition that elected Biden in 2020, suggesting that swing voters would be disillusioned if they feel betrayed. Jayapal called for Democrats to focus on comprehensive immigration reform, abolish the Senate filibuster, and expand legal pathways for immigrants.

Meanwhile, conservatives have also expressed concerns about the deal, demanding the inclusion of the entire House GOP border legislation passed earlier this year. With the clock ticking on a potential agreement, lawmakers are expected to depart Washington soon for the holidays. Some lawmakers, including Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., have voiced concerns about the rush to finalize a deal without sufficient time for review and evaluation.

The article highlights the ongoing complexities and divisions within the US government regarding immigration and border security. While Republicans and some Democrats seek stricter measures, others argue for comprehensive reform and protection of immigrants’ rights. As negotiations continue, the fate of the emergency funding deal and the future of the immigration system remain uncertain.

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