Growing Advocacy Efforts in Nairobi Support Palestinian Cause Amid Gaza Conflict

In Nairobi, Kenya, a rising wave of advocacy efforts is gaining momentum in solidarity with Palestine as the war in Gaza continues. Wairimu Gathimba, a 22-year-old writer and cultural worker, is at the forefront of these efforts, aiming to educate her fellow Kenyans about the Israel-Palestine conflict and promote the boycott of Israeli products in the East African country. Gathimba’s personal journey towards involvement in the cause began with curiosity sparked by a friend in university, leading to years of unlearning and hard discussions.

Recent events, such as the October 7 attacks by Hamas and Israel’s subsequent bombardment of the Gaza Strip, have galvanized socially active Kenyans who have been increasingly aware and appalled by the conflict. As a result, a range of activities including vigils, workshops, teaching events, and boycotts of Israeli-owned businesses have emerged in Nairobi. Advocacy organizations like Kenyans for Palestine have been instrumental in organizing Palestinian film screenings, creating infographics to identify brands to boycott, and calling for government action. They are now pressuring the Kenyan grocery delivery platform Greenspoon to drop Israeli-owned products.

However, the boycott faces challenges as Israeli-owned businesses have a significant presence in Kenya’s capital. Popular establishments like the Artcaffe coffee and casual dining chain and the Westgate Mall are owned and operated by Israeli-owned companies. Other influential businesses, such as Amiran Kenya, also have Israeli connections that are often unknown to many Kenyans. Despite this, activists remain committed to highlighting the parallels between Kenya’s colonial past and Palestine’s present predicament, driving their determination to support the cause.

The Kenyan government’s response to the conflict has been met with criticism. Although President William Ruto has not expressed support for either Hamas or Israel, his comments during a panel discussion in Saudi Arabia highlighted a reluctance to take a clear stance. Kenya’s actions, such as abstaining from a World Health Organization vote on health conditions in the occupied portion of Palestine and sending farm workers to Israel shortly after the attacks, have been seen as disappointing by those advocating for Palestine.

The historical ties between Kenya and Israel date back over a century. Even before the establishment of Israel as a Jewish state, an expedition in British colonial Kenya aimed to find a Jewish homeland for persecuted Jews in Europe. The connections between both countries today extend beyond economic and political interests, with Kenya’s passive support of Israel seen as aligning with Western ideals and key Israeli allies. Additionally, religious ties contribute to Kenyans’ support for Israel, as many visit the country for Christian pilgrimage.

Despite religious tensions and cautiousness among Kenyans to openly express their support, young activists like Gathimba remain optimistic about changing attitudes. The growing engagement of Kenyans in events, self-education, and changing perspectives reflect a shift away from the prevailing “both-sidey” narrative. While acknowledging the long road ahead, Gathimba and her peers are determined to challenge dominant narratives and foster informed decision-making among Kenyans regarding their support for the Palestinian cause.

In conclusion, Nairobi is witnessing a surge in advocacy efforts supporting Palestine amid the ongoing conflict in Gaza. Young activists like Wairimu Gathimba are working tirelessly to educate and mobilize Kenyans, with boycotts of Israeli-owned businesses and various awareness-raising initiatives gaining traction. The Kenyan government’s response has faced criticism for its lack of clear stance, while historical, economic, and religious ties between Kenya and Israel provide additional context. Despite challenges, optimism prevails as more Kenyans engage in dialogue, education, and critical thinking to challenge prevailing narratives and support the cause of Palestine.

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