House Freedom Caucus Chair Slams Defense Policy Bill as Terrible Mistake and Colossal Failure

In a recent interview, Representative Bob Good, the new chair of the House Freedom Caucus, issued a stern warning to Speaker Mike Johnson and GOP leaders as Congress prepares to pass its annual defense policy bill. Good expressed his strong opposition to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), calling it a “terrible mistake” and a “colossal failure.”

One of the main points of contention for Good and other hardliners within the GOP is the compromise made with the Democrat-controlled Senate, which removed several conservative policy goals related to transgender surgeries and abortion. This move has sparked criticism from Republicans who view it as a betrayal of their principles.

Additionally, Good and others are angered by the inclusion of a short-term extension of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act’s (FISA) Section 702, which has been accused of being misused to spy on private U.S. citizens without a warrant. Critics argue that this provision violates civil liberties, while supporters believe it is necessary for preventing terror attacks.

According to Good, the NDAA/FISA combination represents everything that is wrong with Washington. He argues that the bill undermines the progress made by the previous NDAA, which aimed to reverse what he views as harmful policies by the Biden administration that are detrimental to the military.

The House Freedom Caucus is circulating an internal memo among its members, claiming that the negotiation process for the NDAA was conducted behind closed doors, rather than through the appointed conference committee. This lack of transparency has raised concerns among conservatives who believe their input was disregarded.

Furthermore, the memo highlights President Biden’s support for the bill, suggesting that it surrenders on many of the policies that House Republicans claim to fight for. This alignment with the Biden administration has further fueled opposition from conservative lawmakers.

House leaders plan to bring the NDAA to the floor under suspension of the rules, bypassing an initial procedural vote. However, it will require two-thirds support to pass, a higher threshold than a simple majority. Good is urging members to vote against the bill and is doing everything in his power to sway their decision.

The Senate Majority Leader, Charles Schumer, is expected to usher the NDAA through the Senate, setting the stage for a showdown between the House and Senate over the defense bill.

Overall, the criticism from Representative Bob Good and other conservatives within the GOP highlights the deep divisions within the party regarding defense policy. The NDAA’s compromise with Democrats and the inclusion of controversial provisions have sparked heated debate, emphasizing the ongoing ideological struggle within Congress.

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