Palestinian Woman Released from Prison after Car Fire Incident

Israa Jaabis, a Palestinian woman, has recently been released from Hasharon Prison for female Palestinian prisoners after being accused of attempted murder in 2015. She was involved in a car fire incident near an Israeli checkpoint in Jerusalem, which resulted in severe burns and the amputation of eight fingers. Israa’s release comes as part of an exchange deal between Hamas and Israel, which also saw the release of Israeli captives held in Gaza.

Israa’s main concern now is being accepted back into her community, as she faces physical and emotional challenges due to her injuries. She suffers from first and third-degree burns covering 60 percent of her body, fused underarm skin that prevents her from lifting her hands properly, a missing right ear, and a gaping hole on one side of her nose that forces her to breathe through her mouth. Israa acknowledges that some people find it difficult to look at her.

Regarding the car fire incident, Israa denies the accusation of attempted murder by explosion. Her sister, Mona, disputes the Israeli version of events, stating that the car’s windows remained intact and the vehicle’s exterior did not change color. Israa’s injuries would have been more severe if an explosion had occurred. She claims to have lost control of the vehicle while moving furniture to her home.

During her time in prison, Israa relied on fellow prisoners for assistance with daily tasks, which she found humiliating. However, the solidarity she experienced among women inmates gives her hope for the future. Israa’s immediate concern now is to receive proper medical treatment, which she claims was denied to her while in prison. However, she is hesitant to seek treatment locally due to fear of being pursued by Israeli forces.

Israa underwent eyelid and hand surgery in previous years, but the latter was unsuccessful due to a lack of aftercare. The thought of seeking treatment for her burns triggers traumatic memories of her time in the prison hospital, where she witnessed the pain and suffering of other prisoners. Younger women and children in prison provided her with strength, and she engaged in activities to distract and uplift their spirits.

Israa emphasizes that prisoners in her situation are not carefree or having fun; their activities are a form of resistance and a demonstration of their steadfastness. She describes the harsh treatment and restrictions imposed by prison guards, including confiscation of personal belongings and the prohibition of singing patriotic songs or wearing prayer clothes. The prisoners were also cut off from external news.

Israa’s release was met with attempts by the Israeli authorities to prevent her family from celebrating. However, despite their efforts to erase video footage, the memories of the Palestinian people remain intact. Israa’s journey towards physical and emotional recovery continues as she seeks proper medical treatment while navigating the challenges of reintegration into her community.

Overall, Israa Jaabis’s release brings attention to the complex political situation in the region and the ongoing struggles faced by Palestinian prisoners. Her story highlights the need for comprehensive support and access to medical care for individuals affected by such incidents.

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