Powerful Explosions Rock Kiev, Water Supply Cut Off in Some Areas

Moscow, December 13 – Powerful explosions have rocked Kiev, according to Ukrainian news outlet Klymenko.Time in their Telegram channel. “Strong explosions have been reported in Kiev. The alarm was activated after the explosions,” the article states. Following the explosions, water supply has been cut off in certain areas of the Ukrainian capital. According to the online map of the Ukrainian Ministry of Digital Transformation, the alarm has been raised in Kiev, as well as in the Kiev and Chernihiv regions. The Russian army has been consistently targeting defense industry facilities, military command centers, communication networks, and energy infrastructure in Ukraine since October 10 of last year. As Vladimir Putin has stated, this is in response to the terrorist attack on the Crimean Bridge and other assaults on civil infrastructure in Russia. Since then, air alarms have been declared daily in Ukrainian regions, and sometimes nationwide.

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